Tuesday, December 2, 2008


This is what is has come down to.

I have one friend.

Having discovered the great 'new' functionality that Wastebook foisted on the world about, say, 5 or 7 years before it was greasily birthed on the internet, I manfully stayed off it. Literally, until this morning, the closest I have come to it is signing up for an account to try and look somebody up. Gleefully fucked-off from that process when I had to send a will-you-be-my-friend request.

It's just...well, everything about it. Technology and concepts aren't particularly new, big-ass data grab and questionable ethics from those running the whole fetid mess.

It was a badge of honour that I literally had never officially logged into a Wastebook page that I held proudly until 10 minutes ago.

All my moaning and gnashing of teeth aside, it IS a source to keep in touch with people. i'm hoping to figure out how to do that via sucking info out of the behemoth, but not putting much in.

I feel like the virgin snow that somebody just peed in.

I am...not clean...

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