Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Virtual Cybernetic Extension Succesfully Implemented

Let me explain.

If you know me, or several member of my family, you know the horror of navigating from point a to point b unless there is a very clear, unambiguous and preferably graphically laid out route to follow. History has shown even that is not enough some times.

I have lost my way walking, driving, biking, busing. Never running, go figure. And in the woods I seem to be fine, again, antithetical to the problem statement but there you have it.

So, getting lost.

In a car is worst. Given my station in life, there is usually added pressure when I don't know where the HELL I'm going, given that somebody is depending on me to get them somewhere. Drop off. Pickup. Both. Add to that the fact that I am conspicuously and consistently late for most things, and you have the perfect storm.

Want to be self confident - not in a typical fucked-up man can't-ask-for-directions way, but in a lack-general-self confidence- most- of- the -time, behind- the -wheel -would -be -nice -so -I don't- look -like -a -complete -asshole way.

Now, along comes Google. And my new Samsung Jack. Google maps + GPS in the Jack = a fully functioning GPS.

Using this literally, literally changes my personality. I can drive stress free and confidently, and one of many neuroses is put to bed.

If I use it, however, and lose it - out in the boondocks, lose a signal whatever, the neuroses, anxiety and frustration jump back in the party lane with a vengeance.

So I am considering this a virtual neural implant into my behavioural and cognitive systems. Sound like an overstatement?

Try driving with me with and without my crutch.

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