Saturday, November 1, 2008

You are?

Yes, I am. I'm here.

And using history and a good predictor of future behaviour, might as well follow my short-lived bliss and get more stuff up. Gods bless Google for keeping my other blogs around for a couple of years now. Maybe I can ply them for more copy in about [insert 2-12 weeks random number] weeks when I start to follow my inevitable bell curve down, down, down to mediocrity and hapless wandering and wondering.

But until then, I'm Here

You don't need liner notes for this one in terms of meaning, but it is worth noting that I did take this song into a studio (not this version, another one which may or may not ever make it here) and recorded it au proper with a real bass player, drummer, and production quality. Still, there's something about the honesty in this one. Bare with the muddy production and try to enjoy it.

The trivia on this one is that I wrote most of the whole thing during a shift as a tour guide on board the huff-puffering 2860. Hung out for lengths of the shift with George - # 2 in seniority on BCR before it was sold - in the conductor's car, full open side, and a big rail to lean on as we watched Howe Sound go by. As memory serves, the music was pretty much complete in my head o'er the trip, and the words didn't take too much longer.

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