Wednesday, November 12, 2008

No, you get off of MY property taxes

So, whats I do when I have intellectual or political curiosities or questions that need fresh insight - or a first attack at an answer period - whats I do is go to Dbm and put it on the table for him, see what he thinks.

This was from the other night. He gave the start of the answer, but we got interrupted and couldn't finish.

Problem statement:

Our local head of government here dallied with some policy changes that had hard impacts on a sizeable chunk of people. It was a right-of-center, four-years-in-the-making plan, and this was year one or two. Had been tried in a neighboring province with great success. Idea was that there would be short term gain, then dividends a couple of years out that would lead into a second term of surpluses and successes. To wit, the plan worked as they hoped it would. But that's all context.

The question I raised was apparently a simple poli-sci one: The head of government had protesters on his personal home property, protesting. Didn't turn violent, but their rationale was if he was taking actions on a political level that affected them on a personal, livelihood level, that the layers shouldn't be insulated, and that it was reasonable to take their complaints back to him on a personal level.

In short, before we got interrupted, Dbm made it quite clear that this was not acceptable. I need to followup with him to find out why.

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