Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gestalt meets Atman

From May 2007

It's all interconnected. It might take twenty years and a long look over your shoulder to see that the rock you hit was in a current that fed a stream that difussed into an ocean that you've just 'discovered', but it was there all along.

Let's look at a stream:

Underattachment in childhood -> search for meaning -> overattachment in first love relationship -> relationship breakdown -> existentialist drowning -> Getstalt dialogue-> Witness!

Sitting there, looking through spectacles at the kind and knowing interpersonal trail guide, then suddenly shifted backwards, watching the looking through the eyes and the spectacles.

How could this Atman-moment have grown but from the fecund neurotic / obsessive compulsive soil that produced the fragmented personality looking for wholeness, the many looking for the one?

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