Saturday, December 31, 2011

Friday, December 30, 2011

Analog to digital orig song conversions. #beyondoldschooljuryrigged

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Into hr 8 of painting my daughters room. #ifthatsnotlove
Thanks to Cal for the biggest musical revelation i had since 'discovering' exile on main street. #quadrophenia
Listening to Quadrophenia back to back for the first time. In other news, how did i ever *not* listen to this before?
Radioshack hunt for analog digital transfer wire. In other news, i want a Mac Air.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Monday, December 26, 2011

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Xmas dinner with the welches.
Take a breath, taste the silence, and realize that in reality, there is no separation between us. Merry Christmas all. Namaste. Jerry
Some reading of a recently acquired childhood classic - Prince Ombra. (Thanks H&S!) then a solid 5 hrs before all hell breaks loose.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

Candy and We Bought the Zoo
Let us push as aggressively as we can to procure supplies so we can cloister ourselves in the name of togetherness. #shopping
Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem.
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Jerry: Great, succint article: Who's to blame for Washington gridlock? -

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Jerry's prediction 2011: Obama's playing the long game and will be a two term president. No question.
SimplyNoise - The Best Free White Noise Generator on the Internet.

The Fate of Schrodinger's Cat

Jerry Mesner

Injo (Aum Sante Maria)

Wine spills from your chalice
Blood red stain upon your robe
The sacraments give comfort
But oh God you're feeling old

Your masters pass the flaming stole
Before their eyes go long
You fade back inside yourself
And listen for the song

Aum Sante Maria Hallelujah El Shaddai
Broken open koans "I am That" and "I am I"

You start to pace the hallway
Wearing only your remorse
Fully clothed for battle
If they'd only bring your horse

Time and legalese and King James English
Fill your head
The only place your shouting gels
Is lying in your bed


Grabe the scythe or cling to life
Based on the neurons flare
Regardless of your choice the song you heard
Is always there

The Green Avenger is rightfully tucked between an Audi and a Mercedes. #downtownparking

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

In the face of some trials that are ongoing,there is this:I just successfully obtained all seasons of Welcome Back Kotter.#sweathogs#woodman

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bad elevators and necrotic food services. Yup, the hospital is sick.
Xmas lunch with the kids and Nana.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Last two hrs: cap guns, basketball, visiting and burning rack of lamb. Looks salvavageable .
Parker Mesner Xmas
"What is love?"The young boy answered,"It's what's with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen to the silence."-SKiloby

Friday, December 16, 2011

Article: Christopher Hitchens on life, death and lobster

Christopher Hitchens on life, death and lobster

(Sent from Flipboard)
shadechaser writes: Occam's Gestalt

Occam's Gestalt

I am living proof that Occam's Razor makes a lot of sense.  But it doesn't mean that there is not a place - and a joy - in complexity as well.

Complication is my modus operandi - and also a signal to noise ratio for how my particular pathologies are raging within the machine on a given day.

Still,  on the relative plane, complication is also a gift.

Complication is embedded in patterns - or maybe the other way around - but without question there is a relationship between Gestalt and Complication.

Complication - at times I have to watch myself:

1000 words instead of 100 to explain something at an emotional or professional level.  Drives others crazy;  eyes roll back in their heads or simply gray out to those fuzzy screens you'd use to get on antenna-ed TV's.

Trying to get ideas across. Often good ideas - but by the time they spider off in lexicological decision trees about how to proceed,  the listener is left with a spaghetti-ed mess of rhetoric that must be abandoned or simply not engaged with from the outset.

Gestalt: at other times,  I just watch 'my' Self:

Spiritually,  patterns within the complicated explanation light up; figure 8's on the spaghetti plate glowing neon bright or muted pastels  circling this way and back and eating their own tailes.*(tales|tails)

Complexity and Gestalt  were birthed from a corn husk last nite.  It flowered and opened like a womb,  and I was ushered into a darkly dimpled Nebraska evening.

Below:  the earth;  verdant,  rich and wet

Above: somebody stringing Christmas lights in figure 8's *exactly* 17 feet above the tallest corn stalk.  On the lights, a race of sort - imps and devas and faeries or god-knows-whats chasing each other towards infinity,  and me,  suddenly on the bench,  begging to join the race.

Be careful what you ask for.

The want, borne from the need,  was fulfilled.  I was in the race,  baton in hand, and the other racers dissolved into me.  ONE,  racing till my heart synced with the light's on-and-offs and the speed dissolved into no-speed and the distance dissolved into no-distance,  and I raced,  one foot *just dragging* in the relative,  with the rest of me forcing myself into


Which planted itself into new stalks,  causal wires criss-crossing into impossible patterns below ground:


Which I was left on waking with trying to decipher, or simply live.

Police Officer Comforts Woman Pinned Under Utah Bus -

Article: Postscript: Christopher Hitchens, 1949-2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

RIP Hitch. I often disagreed with you, but your intellect shone like a sun.
Hitchens, militant pundit, dies at 62 –
I am living proof that Occam's razor is a good idea.
I think I just won an IPad 2, and it wouldn't have happened without my unfettered trust in an unsolicited internet offer. That is all.
These are some things I think fuck (astonishment) is an appropriate suffix to: Joni Mitchel. Paul Simon. Rumi.
Email Study Suggests You Should Spend the Most Time on Emails You Respond to Within 11 Hours

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Sunday, December 11, 2011

*Smoking*: Joss Stone & James Brown Men's World - YouTube
Join the fight: the sarcastic font movement
If St Pauls hospital was ever diagnosed, its presenting complaint would be pathological elevators.
Fulcrums, Jung, Wilber, coffee, and helping relatives. That is all.
Activated charcoal. That is all.
Photos of an Encampment on New Jersey Cliffs -
Seth's Blog: The trap of social media noise

Saturday, December 10, 2011

A fine time at the boss's xmas party
Damn, I missed international anti-corruption day *again*.
Here's a video of an hour of mixing UK garage and hip hop with live strings.
The New Evangelicals -
Untitled | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Even in the post-post modern, Perry's regressive worldviews have a spot. They might be shallow and underdeveloped...oh don't get me started.
Fresh from the really, really irrelvant news-cylce trashbin:TRENDING: Trump ‘very disappointed’ in Bachmann
Damn that cigarette smells good.
If you haven't listened to Zeus, please do. #CanadianTreasure
Epic Canadian rock - -Zeus - Are You Gonna Waste My Time
The Knowledge
Herman Cain Campaign Ad: When presidents get laid, you get paid
Always, always wait for the second elevator. That is all.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

RIP Harry Morgan: An appreciation of an extraordinary ordinariness
Started the day 5 mins late for an understanding CEO. The day got better. That is all. Except I think i like Ken Hegan more than a friend.
india71 | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Aggregated: writing, music, photography
I could be a Unitarian simply on the basis of the founder's name: John Biddle. That's up there with Catticus Finch. #carl

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Studio Honda closed for the nite. Another song wrapping. #lightlyrics #sullymademedoit #country #churchversushormones
John Wesley's brother wrote over 5500 hymns. Now *that's* a protestant work ethic.

Awesome and disturbing. Awesurbing

Monday, December 5, 2011

Feeling Amish today, with just a *hint* of William Shatner.
Sure way to kill productivity in the name of efficiency: upgrade building elevators. #8minwait #70smotifinsulttoinjury

Sunday, December 4, 2011

RIP Greg. My heart goes out to you, Nellie, and your extended friends and family.
Man up, Mr. Long, on many, many levels: Televangelist Long to take time off after divorce filing -
Best photos of the year 2011 | Analysis & Opinion | Reuters

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Note to self: you can't ctrl-z when you're writing lyrics in a moleskin. #oldschool
East side marios with uncle dan aunt karen, steads and mesners.
Xmas lights and wilbers audiobook history of everything. Something's going to get enlightened, dammit.
"It was a simple and crazy idea: to celebrate her 28th birthday by renting a hotel room, cover it in paper and spend a week drawing on the paper - 'Week in Hell'

Friday, December 2, 2011

Fall of Rome, chapter 17c: Coke changing cans after consumer complaints |
Unpersuasive, childish PR-huckster tactic # 17b: Herman Cain Launches ‘Women For Cain’ With Brutal Attacks On ‘Husbandless’ Accusers | TPM2012

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Prayers go out to Kim and Chris. Time heals all wounds. God bless and watch over these tender souls.
Nice: Carrier IQ: Your phone's secret recording device - Dec. 1, 2011
Welcome Back Kotter Theme Song HQ (Ending) - YouTube
Welcome Back Kotter Theme Song HQ (Ending) - YouTube
Greatest American Hero Intro - YouTube
Chips Theme Song on pipe organ - YouTube
Chips Theme Song - YouTube
Cool: Deepak apologizes to Richard Dawkins
I hummed the theme from CHiPs as the motocop pulled over bylaw-badass JUST loud enough he couldn't hear it. #giggle
Wake up and smell the post-post-modern: Small Ky. church bans interracial couples - CBS News
Today's train companions: the love child of Snooki and a big Pharma Rep.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mediocrity watch, update 4321: even after all those music years, i still have an uncanny ability to sing flat. #3partharmonyforareason
If you didn't need a reason to dump Perry, you're welcome: Sheriff Joe Arpaio backs Perry
Fall of Rome averted: NBA teams to open facilities to players Thursday -

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dude at timmys lunch hour lineup asking the cashier if a donut has additives. #redundantquestion100234
"Melody is the soul of music." - Schopenhauer
It's interesting try to lay bed tracks down on a moving train with people squishing by you. #extrasongsauce

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Stupid Beautiful: Javier Colon - Time After Time (Cover) - YouTube
Ramana used to say, "I would follow a devotee into hell if need be." via Pamela wilson
8 pm large Americano, hold the hot water. Also, yay Lions. That is all.
Watching a game after it's over on pvr is like watching the Time Square ball fall on ny eve 'real time' at 12 am pst. #idontgetit
Off to see the kidlings perform in their theatre group's annual musical soiree.
"A new book is published every 30 seconds, and you would need 163 lifetimes to get through all the titles offered on Amazon." -Amazon

Saturday, November 26, 2011

At some points in the the great dance, stories matter: Man Uses His Schizophrenia to Gather Clues for Daily Living -
Salvador Dali. Yep.
Picasso: Moment of creation by a genius caught on film
Oh thank God. Now I can hit the sack: Tentative NBA deal reached; season expected to start on Christmas -

Friday, November 25, 2011

12 bars too long and some pitch problems, but another song done. Will post it later tonite. Needs sully-prod.
Steely Dan - Black Friday Live
It's time. - YouTube
The one that is looked for stands revealed as the one who is looking. -rupert Spira

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I just cut an .xls from one monitor's email to another's.How is this possible without a wireless connection?#foreveverfascinated#proofofgod
Alice's Restaurant Illustrated (Part 1) - YouTube
aaron hobson || c i n e m a s c a p e s
Lifting Storm Great Smoky Mountains National Park | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

This is cool: ifttt / Put the internet to work for you.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sad: 2 runners die during Philadelphia Marathon -

The Key to Graduation is, Apparently, Giving Up

Growing up, I was internal
Hoping, dreaming for the day that others would see me as special
Pain constricted the exterior
But strengthened the interior

The Muse introduced herself early
I wrote and sung and played and imagined
And hoped

And imagined hope

Reaching for The One who would
Accept the exterior
But See the interior
Believe the interior
Share lives in the interior

This many years on
Pattern recognition has improved
I'm still There

Reaching with imagined hope towards
Blinking lights
Which sate and bate in figure eights

I have the toughest teacher in the world
Giving me daily lesson plans

The challenge - can I live from Here without going There.

I'll keep trying
Or simply give up trying
And probably, if the intention in surrender is pure
Be graced by release

And Graduate.

The Green Avenger wears frost well #minus6

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Accomodate with compassion. #seehowthatworks

Things that really, truly, could never suck. Evidence display 17b: trees in sunlight

5 hour wait to get snow tires put on. Spent the time songwriting, caffeining and napping.

And in the what the hell dept...

Like saying 'everything a few calories...or more'
Contrarian alert: I confess those unmanned speed limit indicators as well as speed bumps simply goad me into setting new speed records.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Occupy Ellington.
Occupy Ellington.
Dinner and Duke Ellington with the Steads
20 years later, I can still write music. Thanks to: #themuse #garageband
This won the 'time to get out of bed' argument: "please just let me have my dream".

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Falling asleep on the floor. Dog on one side, fire on the other.
Watching my daughter perform in the elementary district honour choir. #proudpapa
Lamb sounds. Make me laugh. That is all.
Goat Sounds. That is all.
Another perfectly executed Seinfeld desk 20 min break.

Alphabet Soup

Upward drizzle from the train to the platform to the escalator to the causeway.

The Muse or one of her cellmates has obviously set up shop here:  a causal bunker,  well protected. She's torching passer-bys with creative fire.

Most of the commuters' suits are unreasonably fire-proof,  but not mine.  I'm burned to ashes and am rising again before I even know what's hit me.  Under my left arm,  The Book.  In my right hand,  a set of golden tongs.  Over my eyes:  nothing.  Everything is shining and new and waiting to be discovered.  Undulating fields of love as I see what everybody else has become,  and what I can do about it.

They're all letters:

Commuters come personalities come images come words come letters.

There's a pattern here,  but it's in the fact that there IS no pattern

The lawyers,  accountants,  programmers,  construction workers,  Baristas,  hangers-on,  applicants,  daycare drop-outs, businesswomen, bankers,  analysts and traders...

...all reduced to a single letter each.  Nothing to do with their profession;  many aren't even english:  Hebrew,  Sanskrit, Greek, Aramaic, French, Spanish, Slang, Graffiti...

my personal Tower of Babel Buffet.

There are no seconds here,  however -  all firsts;   even the same letters shine differently as I pluck them with my trusted tongs and put them into the book.

It's mechanical at first,  I pick and choose who should go in,  then relax into an almost random sweep,  then a  fully fluid pick and grab.

The book flips pages as it fills,  and even seems to be indexing itself.

The Muse is waiting at the exit,  cigarette in hand and absurd pocket watch dangling from her waist jacket pocket.

"You like?"   she seems to ask as she takes the book  opens it *exactly* in the middle,  and watches as a visual cacophony unfolds itself - up into thunderheads,  then splitting and folding and splitting and folding in on itself, then spraying everyone in sight with chains of God,  anchored in the The Book.

With that,  she says a word,  the crowd moves as one,  and she skis through the lobby,  out the door,  and through the downtown streets:

Creativity, pulled by God,  through the noosphere and further.

God bless the Muse, and her Alphabet Soup.


I quite like the fact that I can mix original songs on my iPhone while I wait for the train. That is all.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How to Build a Computer Model of God | Bootstrapping Independence

Yes, there's a lot more to be said, but he does tackle at least one ontological issue nicely.


Monday, November 14, 2011

At the library getting my daughter to take pictures of my head in a hole of the reference book stack.

Terrible Beauty and Meat Paper Chains

If you were able to step down the crumbling steps
You would see the field
MY field

Not a healing, regenerative process
But the attempt to integrate:

the countless shredded hearts
that follow me day after day like a meat paper chain

:into ME

As always, the question in the metaphors
Hold the answer

There IS no ME or MY

Just This, in all its terrible beauty.

Still, understanding does not mean
Blind capitulation to the hurt.

It means accepting your words that I should be more of an asshole
Without becoming one.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Re-reading Wilber's A Theory of Everything over coffee in High River as the family sleeps in the darkened womb upstairs. #uplate #upearly

Friday, November 11, 2011

Congrats to the freshly minted Ogilvies!
Dark prairie country. Driving to darker prairie country. Followed by a community hall and a wedding. Minus 765 degrees. That is all.
Herding cats
Tim hortons calgary. Feeling emasculated and emotionally naked without a ten gallon hat and a gun rack.
Mmmm. Home made chemi-waffles

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Did you know you cannot rent from Budget at the airport unless you have an airline ticket? Bizarre rationale to be posted later.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Just now, in the elevator to 31, I had a fedora trust issue. That is all.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

2nd daughter and dad dinner out. #whitespot
The nxt time you call Budget, keep pressing 0 when robotic-asst keeps offering to help and receive assistance 2 seconds quicker.#yourwelcome

I am a classy shopper. That is all.

Metta meta Metta

Metta meta Metta.

I stopped at my Muse's tree yesterday,  and spent a considerable amount of time walking in and around the root system.  I'm quite certain it was never intended to be used as a labyrinth, or even labelled Her tree - but the nexus of realities I've been threading myself through have their own set of rules,  and top of list is that they don't give a tinker's damn about how thing's should be.

If they did,  would there be shining galaxies waiting to be plucked as ripe fruit from the branches?  Or light shining from the soil? Or a candied wind that wraps itself around me like a shawl and dances me to new absurdities I missed the first time round?

The last find,  as always,  was the Most interesting:  A living parchment between the second and third branches;  aspen papyrus with three words:  Metta meta Metta.

It was invasive to peel the parchment from the tree, and somehow,  it was redundant to take it anyways.

Sometimes the Muse's embrace is full and sensual; sometimes a  gift basket dropped off in a somnolescent moment during a commute home. And then other times like today,   it's simply a pointer to something that's already been branded in my heart or mind,  needing some attention.

Such was this,  a reminder of my narrative,  for today anyways: Metta meta Metta.

In spite of my brokenness and rusted parts -memory of a goldfish, self confidence up and down like a toilet seat - purpose continually re-imagined, scrubbed,  re-imagined again -  maybe because of them - I am compelled to glory in the grand design, the One-in-All,  the Theory of Everything. And today that is summed up in those three words.

Metta - loving kindness;  compassion,  the sire of grace and intenion:


Meta - the story of stories,  the Platonic forms felt if not understood - the arch that connects it all. 
The place where details are abstracted  to a place where memory is not a problem - they *are* the very nature of remembering.

sandwhiched by

Metta - loving kindness; compassion, the sire of grace and intention

When my endless curiosity is lit up by Knowledge then dulled by my limitations, it's important to know what it is to Know:

And for me,  tonite anyways,  it's Metta meta Metta.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Finished writing a short something that felt authentic just now. Marinating it overnite.
Jesus, can you imagine? : Perry needs Palin (and vice versa) -
Sound Composition: amda
"The whole course of human development can be viewed as a continuing decline in egocentrism". -Howard Gardner
Louis vs. Rick » Louis vs. Rick : Episode 8 : Grace
Bach is easy. If she brings him up, you just smile and you say: “Ahh, Bach.” | MetaFilter
Easter Egg: Google Flips for “Do a Barrel Roll” | Webmonkey |

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Muse is Dead, Long Live the Muse | feed the noosphere
A pleasant and productive 9.5 hr day.
A pleasant and productive 9.5 hr day.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

60 km bf run yday, Halloween skate today. Nothwithstanding the fact i am the worlds 2nd worst skater, this should be interesting.
Fascinating: Giving the F.B.I. What It Wants -

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Muse is Dead, Long Live the Muse

Sunlight - the color of birdsong;  touch - the feel of umami.

This synaesthetic puzzle was all that was provided and yet I found you,  Lady,  high up in the barren tree,  looking to the horizon,  apparently waiting for my return.

Yet I'm not sure what you want.

Coaxing has never worked -  the only times it came close I was left with stillborn ideas,  shivering in evanescent light.

Innocent lookarounds through your houses?  Two of them have disappeared completely off the map - god help them -   and the third was locked tight,  although I knew you were in there.  (I could hear footsteps from the piano to the kettle,  your tells are not as airtight as they once were).

So,  here we are,  needing a Vince Ready - or the idea of the idea of a Vince Ready,  able to at least ladder  me up to eye level so we could talk.

Instead, I open my mind to you:

Green, undulating hills;  ladders everywhere,  dancing under the criss-cross-criss-cross of high wires over head.  Connections made,  sparks flying and hitting the ground. More often than not they sizzle out with the sound of sad confusion,  but other times,  a new ladder,  a new connection.

Moons launching from the closest valley;  or sound and vibration; or a crack where I can see the universe spinning wildly out (in) control.

A spark of interest there - you've let your hair down,  but you're still way out of reach.

I knew it would come to this,  but you of all people have to know the heart is sacred space,  and I have as much chance of opening it as you would of releasing night-terrors in a kindergarten.

You're not buying it.

And as hard as it is to say,  I'm ok with that.  I'm tired of hiding behind the metaphors and layered images and text-trickery.  I just want to weep.

For misunderstandings,  lack of connection,  fear,  doubt,  hurt,  anger,  neuroses, barren lovelessness and demons born of synaptic pathology - all the illusions that spawn from the apparent-ness of other-ness.

The trick here is -  like breath - you straddle the I Am and I Am That.  The causal and the manifest.

That,  plus the honest tears,  seem to have done it.  Thanks for coming down.

I'll follow your lead for a while.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Enjoying 'what the dog saw'. The mind of Gladwell is a cool place to hang out in.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rest in Peace Bill Lindley, wish I had met you.
#winning Michele Bachmann Team Hits Back At Press Release Detailing 2012 Campaign Dysfunction

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Watched Boss with Kelsey Grammar and 2 episodes of Homeland. Stunning, stunning television.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

There is also no loudspeaker at this airport. You watch the counter person walk towards the plane when it's time to board. #eyespeeled
This airport has: 72 seats, 2 conveyor belts, 1 just-in-time rent a car counter and literally no security screening. #refreshing

Friday, October 21, 2011

Gods ATM

It wasn't your fault,  I hope you realize that.  I was bound to come across it sooner or later,  as everybody seeker is.  To be honest,  you were pretty oblique in your description anyway.   I believe your exact words were "Choose your Gods carefully" - and that wasn't exactly giving the farm away.

I trusted you,  always have at the root level,  but some part of me couldn't help go looking for it anyways.  At first I thought it was God,  then the lack of God, then the lack of the lack of God I was looking for.  Years in the making,  and only describable by double-double negatives, metaphors, and things that take you to the edge of the infinite diving board and make you cannonball in.

Then,  the dark nite of the soul,  surrender,  and a dog paddle through the absolute. I had my hit,  and starting jonesing for more.  Seeking and Finding and Finding the Seeker 101.

The peaks and values of the relabsolutive continued to get closer together,  and on one starry nite,  I spotted something on the next mountain over.  I decided to jump and there - dusty but ready for business - Gods ATM.

There's no point in dishonesty,  it was spiritual mainlining.  No card needed,  just a touch screen display to dispense any God I wanted.  And I wanted them all.  Great Monotheistic Pillars,  Pantheistic Gardens populated with Fairies and Bearded Beaded Bodhisattvas, even an Arena I could put them all in and let them do battle.

What I didn't notice of course, was that there was a payment system involved here; for every path explored,  every guru pedestal-ed,   every I-centered prayer offered to the God du-jour,  there was a lessening of me.  The ultimate debit and credit system.

Ever the addict,  I played to my last id-bit,  put that in,   fell back and watched the watcher take it all in:

Tradition and culture and systems and love and compassion and mantras and devotionals and intellect all dissolved back into the ATM,  which tumbled down the mountain into that from which it - and everything else - had come from.  Lot of other swimmers there tonite - some holding their breath,   some diving deep,  some half in and half out,  and some just...being.

So thanks for your words,  they were part of the impetus that helped me discover that no amount of trying could ever get me here,  but that I would never get here without trying. 

And since I AM here now,  I think I'll go for dip.


A Caring Motorcyclist [VIDEO]

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Life is Mandatory

The route that delivered me to the graffiti was impossibly complex, and I couldn’t have retraced it if I wanted to. It was a peopled schematic of relationships, intersections, economic need and longing for solitude that dropped me 3000 kms from home on a grey snow-globed landscape,  looking for groceries and coming face to face with somebody’s wall-poetry:

"Life is Mandatory"

Words embed themselves in me; often they will be forgotten and reappear months later, unbidden but in context. These words though, didn’t embed; they manacled themselves around my neck like a slave yoke, and refused the quiet subconscious intake. These words came with baggage, and it was clear the only way to lighten my load was to porter the bags where they belonged.

I spent days in the chair by the window manacled up; on this side of the melted sandsheet Time put its feet up in front of the fire, lit a pipe, and played solitaire whilst I busied and bruised myself with the invention of That Which Would Remove the Yoke and deliver the baggage: The Great Post Modern Deconstruction Machine. © On that side of the melted sandsheet, weather systems and daylight and stars and moons and suns circled and hummed continuously.

Hunger went on strike.

The machine I invented stretched from my third eye across the Canadian Shield, dissolving up and back, up and back into the Northern Lights. From its brass base, crystal word-spires numbering *exactly* one less than infinity held court, and a huge hydraulic arm endlessly lifted, shuffled, pushed and fitted the landscape into caricatures of itself.

The idea was that once constructed, I would simply let 'Life is Mandatory' thought marbles roll down from my third eye and shatter any spires that found themselves in the path. Then a simple reading of the deconstructed would give me the insight I needed for freedom.

I ended up shredding my hands on the shards.

Crimson rain from my fingertips turned to crimson rivers, filled the canyons and spaces of the Machine, and I surfed till I was I either dead or exhausted.

All was dark, and silent. You know: the light before the light, the sound before the sound:


The understanding was borne beyond the gross, the subtle, and the causal:

Life truly *was* mandatory. Trying *not* to be was like trying to sit and stand at the same time and railing against the impossibility by trying even harder.

With that, the machine folded back neatly into my third eye, and I pondered the strange emancipation proclamation that - however briefly - set me free.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Run Sami Run! Blind Lexington athlete making history with dog | Mansfield News Journal |
Run Sami Run!

Red Lake Gold Mine, home till saturday

Red Lake Gold Mine

Red Lake Gold Mine, Ontario, my home till Saturday.
Now I have a strong desire to be running on Dallas rd in Victoria, listening to Supertramp and carving out the final 10 of a marathon.
I have a strong and unexplainable craving for Warren Zevon. That is all.
Lots of talk in town about the restaurants that use real potatoes in their hashbrowns. In other news, it's -1 and it's nutella for lunch.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Off off to dinner under the black-clouded freezing-rain-blighted heartland of northern ontario mining country.
Douggs and his friends BASE jumping from the elevator of Hotel Bali from Benidorm in Spain - YouTube
Snowing in Balmertown.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Aretha Franklin
Aretha, 1968, Stockholm | MetaFilter
Just finished The Book of Negroes, an astonishing read.
You have to love a motor inn whose front desk after 10pm is the bar. #seriously

Friday, October 14, 2011

Now *this* is a small plane

In Winnipeg, looking for 'Bearskin Airlines'. #honestly
I was just de-flowered at yvr by the see-u-nekkid security scanner. Feeling unusually manly right now.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Flesh-Eating Piranhas Bark When Angered | Wired Science |
Wow: The Marathon Man: 365 Marathons in 365 Days For Asthma Sufferer - TIME NewsFeed
Fail: Marathon Runner Admits to Taking a Bus to the Finish Line - TIME NewsFeed

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Forgotten Places

And here
The forgotten places
Have been carefully gathered and curated

behind the velvet rope
words, rooms,  visions and books
people, places things
20 questions with no answer

Your curiosity excites them

the rope drops
and a dusty English Garden forms for your review

Organic monstrosities for the most part
but at their feet
pointers to desires so strong
they make your body ache

leave the rope down when you leave
there's a line waiting to get in

it seems it only takes one to cascade
the forgotten into memories
the memories into thoughts
and thoughts into action


Apart from compassion
all will be relegated to this place
in the end.

Nice 10 km bf on the track afore breakfast and work.
Off for a 10 km-ish bf on the track.
My One Man March for the Homeless

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


There's this kid that hung out on a corner that I had to pass by several times a week, and it's clear he was either a sorcerer of the highest order or a brat.

Striped shirt, a little pudgy, and Di Caprio eyes - set back, sharp, radiating intelligence.

The first time I saw him, he was donning a sandwich board, advertising a 2-for-1 pizza deal. Rocking it with headphones on, dancing back and forth on the sidewalk, waving people in and trying to pipe up his commission with as many new arrivals as he could sally forth.

The second time I saw him; no sandwhich board - just a handheld sign and the headphones. Different business; didn't catch the name but I did catch his eyes as he rocked out again.

The third time there was just the kid, standing there; no headphones on, and apparently waiting for me. On the sign, one word: Next, with an arrow pointing to a tethered balloon just down the street from me.

Each time I saw him it was impossible to stop. While my actions were reasonable - I was delivering 10 year old dance students to or from their classes - he was clearly chagrined and decided to step it up a notch, and started painting the night visits.

Enter the dreams: always the same:

A field of metaphors; towering monoliths and quivering, febrile Polaroids
Shimmering or shivering from the heat of the ground
Translucent blue glass concaving over the surface
of the sun.

At the end of the path, the balloon
And my Id-bits, filthy little beggars
Seven holding the tethering cord;
Three scrambling up it
and ten dancing on it in a windless vibration that permeated the All.

This, of course, was The Metaphor. His. He sat in a New England deck chair, looking up from his script now and again as I got closer. Then, as I shuffled the id-bits away from the cord and grasped it, he stood up; threw off his beret and stood arms akimbo. On his shirt, the single word: Next.

The dreams continued night after night, until I got it: the longer I held onto what I was after, the more directions he would shout to the id-bits: stage left! stage right! Mind the fourth wall! Project!

Maybe two dreams after getting it - that that which pushed me towards my wants was exactly that which would prevent me from ever getting them - the dreams stopped.

He's gone now, of course; lesson learned, turn the page.

I still wonder if he was a sorcerer or a brat.

Best nap ever. #seinfeld #20mins

Monday, October 10, 2011

Everything goes better with rain. That includes many runs, and even working on a Monday nite in a fruitless attempt to catch up.

My sis Marci rocking the Victoria Marathon in 3:54. New pr by ten minutes!

Jerry Mesner

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Having dinner with the Welch crew for uncle Mike's 50th.

Marci rocks the victoria marathon in 3:54

My sister Marci just finished her 2nd marathon. Improved oer her laat time by 10 mins: 3:54!! So proud of her
Javier - Never Die Young (Cover) - YouTube
Javier - Never Die Young (Cover) - YouTube
Elizabeth Eckford and Hazel Bryan: the story behind the photograph that shamed America - Telegraph
Twitter Analysis: Massive Global Mourning for Steve Jobs (Infographic) | Epicenter |

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Finished 50 km barefoot run. Longest. Run. Ever. #newpr
46 km bf. 4 to go. #unchartedterritory #last4isuphill
40 km bf. 10 km to go.
25 km bf. Port moody to east van. Half way, turning around.
Dawn, running for 2 hours. 7km to the halfway point. Smell of fresh bread.
13 km in.
Stars and road, let the bf run commence.
Look: Giant Spy Blimp Dwarfs an 18-Wheeler | Danger Room |
Up and at 'em. Getting the gear out for a long, long run.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Photo Gallery: Occupy Wall Street Ignites Political Hackathon | Raw File |

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah - YouTube


||: In a fit I stared at you
My moons to your stars
No negative space
Because the negative cannot define

Rather a tangerine and lilac nest
Where we rested
Breath within breath
Immanence and transcendence
Spiraling up and out into
Indra's net

I harvested the jewels
halfway to infinity stopping
to see that each was replaced
by your tears

And within your tears
mirrors within mirrors
a lilac nest
and your moons
to my stars :||
"spiritual sobriety" - haven't heard that one before.
Fog on the mountain boys. Let's be careful out there.
Thank Gawd: Palin's not running.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Best sneaky napping place *ever*. #seinfeld

Monday, October 3, 2011

Back to Basics: Analog Photography Project Aims to Slow Things Down | Raw File
Back to Basics: Analog Photography Project Aims to Slow Things Down | Raw File

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Jerry is reading the bbq like a Danielle Steele novel. In third person no less. #wtf
48 hrs after the 24 hr flu, a great 15 km bf ... with a 1.5 uphill to seal it up.
The long~run~that~was~supposed~to~be would have just been finishing now. #stupidstomachflu #betternow

Friday, September 30, 2011

The thought of the thought of food makes me nauseous. Looks like skytrain to a 5km walk to The Green Hornet to home.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

I am having a bath, drinking club soda, reading #thebookofnegroes, and testing productiom code rollout, in that order. Precisely.That is all

Time and Distance in Relationships

What is looking out of these eyes does not feel old; it feels as if it's getting younger, although in reality it's never changing.

It's what is looking at the body as the wrinkles appear and the belly-over-belt gets larger and the aches and pains of middle-age creep up.

It's what sees the world without contraction, because it is the world.

It's what notices the contractions as they appear:

As I pull back from intimacy
how could I? this would suggest two, and it is all not-two

As intimacy pulls back from me
there is no me. How can something pull back from what does not exist?

Still, let's assume that the contraction exists, that the relative playground is real, the place I have to live and work and connect and ...

As I contract into the relative world, I become identified with the


But this identification with is a mistaken perception. For in the amnesia of contraction I forget that I am *not* the thoughts and the feelings but that which is aware of them.

I feel like I am the flurry of electricity under the sternum. From clear seeing, this is true. I am that which is aware of the flurry; there is no separation between the flurry and that which is aware of it. But from contraction's myopia, I simply am the flurry, a contained, separate, freefloating existentialist nightmare. A ball in the universe, forever frozen and alienated from everything around me.

When I'm there, the connection with friends is tight and regimented. I feel the pain of separation and want to salve it, which leads me to what I *could* do outside of the now. This makes the separation more pronounced, eye contact stutters, and I contract more.

I tangle in on the lines coming from the heart; confused, manic, trying to connect to the friend, to the other.

And with each meeting of each friend the problem compounds and the separation is more intense.

What then, of the option?

Soak in the uncertainty and purity of living, timeless awareness.
Toto. That is all.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Rounded the fill~up that extra two cents to 55 dollars just so I could feel fully, not partially, burned by futures traders.
Hunting for Traumeela
Hunting for Traumeel
Missed the train, and happy about it. #morereadingtime #BookofNegroes

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Dark sky, rain, couch, fire, news, reading, SOA. That is all.
Fascinating: Socrates Cafes: Parting the Ivy | HiLobrow

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pho. Childless. That is all.
Club soda. That is all.
Like: With 'Timeline' feature, Facebook goes eternal (or at least tries to) -
Wow: Kenya's Makau sets marathon world record in Berlin -
Courage: Diana Nyad may still qualify for record books in her Cuba to Florida swim -

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fox news..."we distort, you deride"
Finished a new PR. Whale-boat slow, but finished 46 kms bf - longest run I've done with or w/ shoes. Heritage Mountain <-> SFU
39 km bf. Baba oriley just came on. #musicpainkillerq a A A
30 km bf. Redbull gatorade stop. 16 km left.
Approaching 23 km half way point barefoot top of sfu bf
4 am, up and prepping for a long run. Aiming for close to marathon length bf.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Paradox's Progeny

Paradox is a wonderful traveling companion, if you don't let her get too surly and dogmatic. Careful hands and open heart are needed to unravel her gifts skillfully.

It used to be the her decadent children that would tantalize me: free will versus determination; Schrodinger's cat; how a man could be 100% man and 100% divine, and so on. They would start at my feet in front of the fire and and climb onto my lap; then find a comfortable place behind the frontal lobes where they could play hide and seek with my intellect as they pleased.

When the mind took care of the mind (another paradox) and the children would settle down into the heart then simply dissolve so there was no distance between us, it was finished. Like my own private koan study.

"Answers" to paradoxes are like asking how long it will take my ice cream cone to learn to play the piano. Not just absurd; meaningless. This does not mean they do not teach; the lesson is just far more subtle than truth propositions imparted by syllogisms or other epistemological models.

So it was two days ago; a stranger madly dashing the wrong way up the escalator, muttering "I always do this". It was glorious absurdity on face value - why not just turn around? She was literally three steps from the bottom of the up escalator when she made her pronouncement. She kept going, and gifted me with an observation:

It is possible to go up and down at the same time. No need to parse it with a semantic or logical Ginsu knife set; this is about the gestalt; the place where paradox relaxes with a smoke, a drink, and a tip of the hat as you take off your shoes and let her know 'ya got it'.

I now understand, at some level, what Eckhart is talking about when he sees so many shining examples of apparent duality pointing direclty back to the Absolute.

One of them is paradox, and I am happy to have her and her kids along for the ride.


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I actually witnessed this yesterday: A crowded down escalator, with a lady madly scrambling *up*. Her words: "I *always" do this. (ie: I always forget and do this" Bizzare on so many levels, it's almost un-commentable.

Monday, September 19, 2011

That was *supposed* to read excellent 10 km bf sunset track run.
Excellent 10pm bf - sunset run on the track.

The Half-Full of Complete Emptiness

Sometimes the words express that which is dappling me
And sometimes I am dappled by the words
Letters sliding off of the screen; out from the radio
Or around from your voice

Slippery symbols, stretching to join hands with their lexical siblings
Gravity and gravitas both fighting for supremacy
Over the slick veneer I threw on years ago

Their is no winner, of course
Both OG's and their homies end up in the same place
An oily something
That I track around all day, mucking up other people's floors

It's when the veneer is cracked, the heart center opened
That it all breaks loose
Dark flowers and strange sunrises
Oceans reeling with You (c)

That's when the questions start
Robed in the relative, does it all level out -
Is your pain any greater than mine?
My joy any greater than yours?

Or are the half-fulls / half empties simply transparent hucksters
Almost-empties, surrounded by mostly-empties
Held by the always empty
Of the Absolute?
Agh, 31-666, the recession proof land of Everything and catered lunches. #pbandjforthisconsultant

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Wiped but satisfied
34 km bf - 1; Febreeze - 0. It did its best.
34 km bf rainy run. Westwood Honda to top of Burnaby mtn and back. Time for choc milk, coffee, traumeel and ice bath
First 10 km in the rain. Fwd ho
Up early, prepping for a long run. Not sure if the rain will help or hinder the goal.

Friday, September 16, 2011

The shitty: getting towed. I *almost* always pay. The good: a forced 5km run in goretex and 17 pd pack to the towing yard before closing.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Two course meal at Ikea: hot dog at the vendor then garlic bread at the sit down"restaurant"

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Smells like rain, with a touch of not-rain.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Back to the Market (moments of grace, opus 17b)

The mirror doesn't lie, but it does take certain liberties
Sometimes, there is suspicion when the shadows and angles don't align
With the interior picture
Of who I think I am

Other times, there is suspicion when the shadows and angles *do* align
With the interior picture
Of who I know I am

Today, as I approached the melted sand carefully mounted at eye level
My pupils became moons; then butterflies
This small center of the house became a centerless circle, and I watched

The butterfiles rode the incense to the ceiling, and cascaded like batik down the walls and around my feet
Up the tub and toilet and over the sink

My muse had been toying with me all day;
The joy and creativity felt like it was coming out of my pores on the way home:
I had wished for a bucket, but knew that there *was* no bucket to hold the ineffable

No writing, so it simply waited for a point of vulnerability and pounced
Painting the reality that was at no-space from that which watched the world
With equal detachment.

I wapped myself in the batik like a robe
And became 7 stars
which, when recognized from awareness
were really one

one star, which overwhelmed with the underwhelming,
drained the tub
cleaned the sink

And headed back to the market.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

On the road and battery not taking a charge. Off the grid for a while?
Riders are still struggling to finish #gran fono. Late finishers who struggle move me beyond words.
I love tech. Laptop logged in via Iphone in the pax seat of a car travelling in the mountains, testing software hosted 1000 km away.
Shannon Falls
Whistler-ing for the day. Stress testing wireless hotspot connection for a rollout concurrently.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Who Not to Wear

The conference room lectured me when I walked in.

"Not good enough"

"Not smart enough"

"Not well dressed enough"

I was fine with the first two; I've lived with my neuroses long enough to know that a quick 'glass of milk and cookie and off to bed with you' was enough to sate their endless need for attention. The last one though, *that* pissed me off.

Who are *they* to judge how I dress. Who am *I* to judge how I dress. And they told two friends, and they told two friends and so on, and so on.

Party time. Little, fragile, non-existent ego got on its high horse and went for a gallop. One hand stayed on the reigns, and the other draped everything in duality.

Their Versace versus my verisimilitude.

Their black and white view of reality versus my superior, color-visioned, extra-spiritual-value-added wonder perspective. (Patented)

Grace again.

The mundane took shape over the next eight hours, and wobbled around the room, occasionally poking me in the ribs for reaction, but mostly happy to let me float in and out of detachment. The last trip down the rabbit hole, like a good productive cough, produced the needed results. But it started like this:

Who Not to Wear?

Take all the roles, projections, actors, stooges, non-integrated pieces, shadow-selves, id-bits, psychological backwash - in short, everything that apparently made 'me' me, and put them back on the rack. (This was clearly *off* the rack stuff).


And the carpet lit up like a giant Tibetan Mandela;
Altar at the far end - see?

And I stood looking at the rack, flipping through the 'choices', and realized that there were some additions: all the roles I was putting on the others in the room.

And it was clear: there was no separation on the rack; the ego's masquerade ball was all clothed with this off-the-rack-shit. 'Their roles', 'my' roles, all melded into one big curtain...

And I, the wizard, stood on this side of it, waiting for it to be pulled back so the room could see me in all my glory.


Queue music, pull the curtain back, and Witness the ultimate Know-joke:

What can you hear before hearing; see before seeing; feel before feeling, and know before knowing?


Get it?

No thing.

Just This.

This, with no-one to wear.
''Everything comes in astonishing variety and everything is all there really is" - Vicki Woodyard, from Life with a Hole in It (TWTLGI)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 2. 3000 an hour for the attendees in this room. On average 30% wired in and not mentally present
Made a Drake equation joke in front of 30 IT vendors and leadership. The person who got it laughed a lot.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

49th slide
About 3k an hour cost for the people in this room. One leader has not made eye contact with the speaker for more than 4 minutes./ 90
3 x 16 hr business days started

Monday, September 5, 2011

Off to provide some free labour for labour day. #painting
Quick 25 minute shakeout run. Happy Labour day all.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Hurry Up and Wait

"The problem is, I see beauty everywhere" - Me, a couple of days ago.

I am of course, speaking from the both the absolute and the relative point of view.

From the absolute, boundaries are naught; objects ploink from and return to awareness in uncomprehending simplicity. And every now and again the light-without-shadow, the vibration-without-movement puts up its hand in a maestro's gesture, and This-change takes place.

Then This change.

Then this Change.

And without interruption, ladies and germs, I'm on the boardwalk of the relative, with barkers of every shape and variety crying for attention. There - an addict. There, a waterfall of ivy over brick. There - a robed, iv'd patient pacing in front of the hospital with a filterless cigarette and dulled eyes; there - an impossible mosaic of light bouncing off of water onto a polished marble entryway.

Camera is out at the ready of course, because with every step taken and corner turned there are a thousand new colours and lines and relationships on display; each one with its own story practically birthing itself in front of me.

There - center stage - the good maestro's hand gesticulating wildly, and the sign "Prepare to Stop" for my viewing pleasure. This one can't even wait till I've hit the computer to pen it down - it's birthed fully formed and simply waits for its entrance cue.

"Prepare to stop" - "hurry up and wait", opposites whose cry for cessation of movement move people to action even as they stop.

This simple sign is infinity: see it yet?

Base elements forged from the stars, abstracted as ideas and dropped via oil-based-paint on an enginerring-approved diamond. Three words, in a dialectical embrace: Prepare to Stop.

Those without the I's to see to walk up regularly, spot the apparent duality and grab one sign for each foot. And from there it's a mad, duality powered ride through the city; paradox-powered uber-footwear that propels them through coffee shops, inboxes, lunch dates and action items.

Until the maestro signals again:

"Over here"


And the signs and the feet and the dialectics and language itself dissolve and there is just This without boundaries.

Maybe the quote would be better served:

"The problem Is. I see beauty everywhere."

Saturday, September 3, 2011

32km bf complete. Almost to top of burnaby mtn
Fought off the urge to sleep, up at 4:45, prepped and off for a long run. #camelback #gels #salttabs #internetradio #gps

Friday, September 2, 2011

30 mins soporifico express #recharge
Jerald is having his data integrity verified before he can launch into a busy day.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I've often thought that 3:30 am is the most magical time on the clock. Shame I'm not awake for it more.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Strange Vaudeville

Strange vaudeville, this.

I walk through the market, wearing my hypocrisy like a warm vest, leering at the all the fodder that will end up in the suburbs tonite in the closets of Those That Cannot See, while secretly coveting bauble that *clearly* should be coming home with me.

I'm different of course. I see through the materialism, know the sharp teeth of desire will only be sated temporarily by a purchase. And because I know this I am immune to Samskara's wheel in a way that Those That Cannot See couldn't possibly understand.

Until grace hops out from a merchant's stall and breaks me open like an egg.

Fluid and purposeless, I am looked. And walked. Things are purchased for a loved one's birthday, but the gift I am given is far more sublime:

The realization that there is no difference between whatever is living me and Those That Cannot See. Understanding that the act of identifying a 'me' and a 'them' is about as meaningful as trying to paint the ocean: going out with a five gallon bucket, dipping my roller and painting wave after wave after wave.

And with that quickening of grace, incandescence grows around me - Brand Name Stores, Bathroom Signs, even my own banality shine like a thousand suns trying to outdo each other.

Arms akimbo, I stop and survey creation, breathe deep, and ride a sparkling crescent of light back to the office, remembering just enough to know that this will shine through again and again; the peaks will get closer and closer together until finally there is continuity in what has been here all along:




Desecrating my minty-fresh breath for a great cause. #doubledouble

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Prepping for a 6am start 20 mile run with my sister. Hopefully barefoot

Friday, August 26, 2011

Always Clean up After your Epiphany

Be fair now.

I caught you today.

Way down at the end of the platform, bathed in golds and bordered by artificial greys, I saw you, snapped you, kept you for reflection.

25 minutes on the soporific express into town gave me ample time to mull you over.

No question - I saw you! A perfect articulated 1, carefully wrapped in human form, right at the convergence of all the lines.

A slight contraction, then complete resolution as I caught my mistake.

The lines and shadows and light and attention and 9,996 other things weren't converging on you, they were coming from you.

The gold - your only begotten sun. The shadows - refractions of the sun, intimating existence of your thousand limbed body through negative space.

A beautiful, gossamer thread left the picture, wrapped itself around my clumsy chrysalis of abstractions, and pierced me right here - between the eyes.

Epiphany! You're not a 1, you're I in drag. And for several delicious moments, the hem of your garment connected us: I to eye.

The thread pulled tighter and tighter as I tried to reel you in; the chrysalis exploded in terrible beauty until there was only This left:

No words, no abstractions, no perceptions:



It had no chance, this epiphany; it was feted and fated for dissolution before it was even realized.

Still, I wished I had done a bit of gatekeeping before I got off the train; some words on the photo as a reminder; pointers to pointee, a little sweeping up of the experience for the future.

Nonsense, of course.

Besides, we both know I caught you today. And each time I catch you the bell curve towards eternity slopes inexorably closer to This lover's embrace.

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