Friday, August 26, 2011

Always Clean up After your Epiphany

Be fair now.

I caught you today.

Way down at the end of the platform, bathed in golds and bordered by artificial greys, I saw you, snapped you, kept you for reflection.

25 minutes on the soporific express into town gave me ample time to mull you over.

No question - I saw you! A perfect articulated 1, carefully wrapped in human form, right at the convergence of all the lines.

A slight contraction, then complete resolution as I caught my mistake.

The lines and shadows and light and attention and 9,996 other things weren't converging on you, they were coming from you.

The gold - your only begotten sun. The shadows - refractions of the sun, intimating existence of your thousand limbed body through negative space.

A beautiful, gossamer thread left the picture, wrapped itself around my clumsy chrysalis of abstractions, and pierced me right here - between the eyes.

Epiphany! You're not a 1, you're I in drag. And for several delicious moments, the hem of your garment connected us: I to eye.

The thread pulled tighter and tighter as I tried to reel you in; the chrysalis exploded in terrible beauty until there was only This left:

No words, no abstractions, no perceptions:



It had no chance, this epiphany; it was feted and fated for dissolution before it was even realized.

Still, I wished I had done a bit of gatekeeping before I got off the train; some words on the photo as a reminder; pointers to pointee, a little sweeping up of the experience for the future.

Nonsense, of course.

Besides, we both know I caught you today. And each time I catch you the bell curve towards eternity slopes inexorably closer to This lover's embrace.

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