Monday, September 19, 2011

The Half-Full of Complete Emptiness

Sometimes the words express that which is dappling me
And sometimes I am dappled by the words
Letters sliding off of the screen; out from the radio
Or around from your voice

Slippery symbols, stretching to join hands with their lexical siblings
Gravity and gravitas both fighting for supremacy
Over the slick veneer I threw on years ago

Their is no winner, of course
Both OG's and their homies end up in the same place
An oily something
That I track around all day, mucking up other people's floors

It's when the veneer is cracked, the heart center opened
That it all breaks loose
Dark flowers and strange sunrises
Oceans reeling with You (c)

That's when the questions start
Robed in the relative, does it all level out -
Is your pain any greater than mine?
My joy any greater than yours?

Or are the half-fulls / half empties simply transparent hucksters
Almost-empties, surrounded by mostly-empties
Held by the always empty
Of the Absolute?

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