Thursday, January 21, 2010

Then and Now

Anticipation of awakening
Three years ago
Swelling like an electric bubble
The feeling of being in love in the heart
But without an other.

In love,
Of love

But becoming

Dynamic tension of the relabsolutive

Staffing worries and hospital IT projects
And SSRI levels dictating personal foibles
In the day-to-day
Energy being secreted by geraniums in a flowerbox by a house noticed after the car was parked
The walking in a field
My form appearing as if from a mold pushed into the absolute hovering ten feet above me
Like a Jerry cookie cutter pushing through a spiritually viscous energy but not cutting
Pushing - like a pushpin frame that produces concave projections when pushed

To this morning
Thinking that not-thinking is easy:

Stop words, and the thoughts, images, and sensations just come and go.

For at least 2 seconds - but it does seem like longer.

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