Thursday, March 12, 2009


Surprising, how it turned out.

Most of the time it would be circular script, end meets the beginning, differences blended together to offer a jumping off point that was really just the starting point in drag.

This time, however, things were amuck from the start.

The labmeister started by creating an environment that was just a blank slate FOR the environment. Awareness in a petri dish.

Into that, he dropped his erstwhile subject - me - in, but without most of the accouterments and appendages I was used to carrying into his real-life thought experiments.

Senses - limited to perspectiveless input and output.

Memory - extracted, not mine, just outside the petri dish.

In short, he dropped me, stripped of ME, into a timeless space to see what would happen.

The dump of the output that would have been committed to memory was sent to a system outside the lab dish, and ended up for the most part being pre-verbal stream of conciousness, although it attenuated quickly as there just wasn't that much to notice.

Still, the labmeister was interested in some findings, and after several minutes of detached observations, squeezed a few drops in.

...indignation - blue green and blood red algae diffused throughout the petri dish, shimmered, and dissolved agin. Monitor showed the colors

...rage - blood red storm boiled the petri dish down to a reduction of reduction. Monitor displayed images from a reptillain brain stem engulfed by but not taken over by anger blue with pink streaks across the horizon; monitor went into standby (without perspective, without qualification or memory, it just WAS without interference. ... everything in the petri disk expanded and grew and dissolved even those boundaries and reached out and touched


Which is when the taint entered and everything just


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