Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Some evenings are diamonds

Memory suggests I've imaged it thus before, but if all the mind wandering in meditation is ultimately a pointer to THAT which is - ie: everytime you realize that your mind has wandered off somewhere, you have actually recognized the duality and are a step closer (for a moment) to the place that is always here and timeless (jokes on youme) -

and if each of those times can be visualized as a wave peak

then the closer together the waves get, the closer those peak experiences come to melding into One Taste.

And maybe the day and nitetime - routines and the sundries and tawdries of day to day life - responsibilities, chores, work - are the same peaks in waves that are much farther apart...

And on nights like tonite, when the need to do or achieve is replaced with an uneasy ache

And the ache is examined and found to be lounging on a pretty nice do-nothing do no-thing - BE no-thing,

It all shines.

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