Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Christian Science Monitor: Election 2012: Has Nate Silver destroyed punditry?

Some pundits were woefully inaccurate in their Election 2012 predictions, but those who relied on data - like Nate Silver's FiveThirtyEight blog - did well. "Moneyball" has come to punditry.

Has Nate Silver destroyed punditry? This question arises due to New York Times poll analyst Mr. Silver's accuracy in predicting the 2012 election results and the media context in which that occurred.

For weeks now, some in the traditional punditocracy - the folks who look at a poll, call a campaign official, then consult their gut feelings over lunch - have hammered Silver for his statistics-heavy approach. He gave a false appearance of certainty, they said. He was way too bullish on President Obama's chances, they said. His numbers were skewed, they said...
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