Monday, November 12, 2012 The Community Organizer versus the Bain Capital Manager

Recently on Morning Joe David Frum, lamenting Mitt Romney's presidential bid fiasco, said, "Mitt Romney could have been a really good president . . ." but he was "twisted into pretzels . . . the people that put cement shoes on his feet are now blaming him for sinking." There are lots of recriminations to go around, and blaming Mitt Romney for the loss in his second-time bid for the presidency is just one. Yet this does not compute. It defies simple logic. They twisted him in pretzels but he "would be a really good president." Ironically, this would-be-really-good president, Mitt Romney, allowed himself to be twisted in pretzels and had cement shoes put on his feet without resistance. Mr. Romney did not push back against this but if he did it's clear he did not succeed.

Romney as president would not have had to do much. On this point Grover Norquist said, "All we have to do is replace Obama. We are not auditioning for fearless leader. We don't need a president to tell us in what direction to go. We know what direction to go. We just need a president to sign this stuff. Pick a Republican with enough working digits to handle a pen to become president of the United States. His job is to be captain of the team, to sign the legislation that has already been prepared." The would-be-really-good president never shared anything about his time at Bain Capital, his taxes over 10 years, his signature legislative achievement, Romney Care, or his governorship of Massachusetts. This would-be-really-good president/manager's raison d'être for being president is repealing Obama Care and privatizing Social Security and Medicare to funnel more money to rich people like himself as tax breaks, because he has said rich people create jobs and 47 percent of Americans are takers. This would-be-really good president went abroad and insulted the Brits and pissed off the Palestinians. He accused the president of leading from behind, and of bowing down to foreign leaders. Gov. Romney thinks Russia is the greatest threat to the United States. And he seems to have been rattling the sabers against Iran (and maybe China, too)...
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