Tuesday, August 4, 2009

No boundaries

Sometime today, the conceptuals of no boundaries dissolved into simply no boundaries. Cars were beautiful on my ride over to Dunbar. They weren't objects being witnessed; there was no distance, no boundaries. They were what they were, but as Greg Goode describes it, everything was a sweetness. For me a warm sweetness.

Opposites dissapeared; memories of thing from the past were just ... there. Even now, when I think of forgiveness, it's kind of a neutral non-event. What is there to forgive?

Everything coalesced ... headless seeing, and beyond experience, just being with everything else just being.

So beautiful its almost heartbreaking.

I went in and spent a few minutes with the kids and relatives; before I went in, I was wondering what woulld happen when I got out of the car (moments of lucidity for this wanderer have always seemed to couple with motion - walking, running, driving). When I came out again, it was just a re-engagement with what was there. Not on off, more of a returning.

Always returning.

Dogs, skunk smells, memories of 3:00 mornings riding to work at a bakery. Desire for nightime activities - something to look forward to - maybe it's still there, but the pull around it has dissolved.

It seems experience-less, it is what it is.

It felt very much like a big awakening tonite, but in many ways the most natural thing in the world.

A picture of me being pulled from awareness like taffy; and from that perspective it's easy to see it as awareness looking back at itself.

Death as a non-event; the experiences dissolve; awareness remains...as they said ...where is there to go?

Tired now, even talking at home has a sweet choiceless awareness around it.

I should be worried about whether 'this' will last, but I'm not. Kind of feel it's good to have a written record as it could be forgotten by tomorrow. Or not.


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