Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sausage Grinder

Walking down the hallway, have an itch on; I need to explain myself.

Stop off in HR to begin with, and they give me a pleasant sit down, explaining how they have the answer to my professional success. We'll start with Meyer's Briggs, use that as a driver to figure out WHERE I should be working, then they'll set me up with all of the toys that I need to make me happy.

They also offer to set me up with a fashionista to help bolster my self esteem, but I tell them I've got an appointment down the hall shortly, no need for that.

Good then, you should be happy

And I am, but not for the reason they think. I giv'er the old Jack Black rock'n'roll voodo moves and FLASH, it's all stopped. Frozen, baby, except for me and the ole sausage machine.

I walk over to the HR rep - my timing was impeccable, the words are floating like an impossibly edged balloon, just launched from the throat center, backed up by an almost infinite cause and effect chain - and wrest them loose.

Haven't used the grinder before but it looks fairly straight forward; I put the words in and start up. It's a little on the stiff side as I get by the intent at the start of the words, and then slides more easily as the intent bleeds to ignorance. Avidya, nothing pejorative here.

Pretty oily substance that comes out at the bottom of the grinder, nothing too meaty here. I take the cup, back up a few steps, and throw it at the frozen scene in front of me. Interesting.

Depending on the person, it sticks, rolls off, or shines the light back from the crew behind me. (OK, it's a crew of ONE, but let's not get too complicated at this point).

I dab a bit on myself, and it mostly shines then rolls off, I'm getting closer to light here.

That's enough in that room, so I proceed down to Management Office, where there is a different bent on things.

That's all good and well, I'm told, but if I am really interested in happiness I need to silo in, saddle-up, put the hours in and reap the rewards. THAT's the only security I'm likely to find. Dollars in the bank, secure your freedom then you can secure other's freedom and


Jack Black time.

These word's are a bit more tethered into the throat - a dotted line to the heart chakra as well, but secondary. Clearly it's about control. I pull them out and start grinding. Pretty consistent here, but again, it definitely gets easier as the grinding goes on. Intent to Advidya.

I half turn my head as I retrieve the solution below. Bit thicker oil here, with some Idbits mixed in for good measure. The Crew behind me neither nods nor shakes, just IS, so I decide to try it again and surprises.

There are a couple in the room who's fierce intellect or hidden yearning help clear the occlusion somewhat, but the light is limited.

Finally, to the fashionistas. Instead of waiting this time, I try upfront to engage:

yes, you can help us all as you dress us up to make us feel better about ourselves. you can even do it in what appears to be a selfless way; but I KNOW that I'm just going to get more oil that will stick a little too much. I need to clear, not to occlude.

What's that? yes, yes, I tried the humanistic and the logical as well, the thing is, both of those are books of knowledge in a shelf that ultimately has to be pulled down, to see what's behind it. And when I think I get what's behind it, I simply need to still, and feel the light that was always me, reclaim me as it's own. Become the crew with the light.

Become the one.

Remember the one.





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