Friday, February 14, 2014

Consulting in a Nutshell, Part 2

a) Find secure web apps that will make bureaucracy's wheels move faster.  
Throw them away before you're told you can't use them.  

b) Drop words like "piddle",  "hoistengrabber" and "grubble-finger" in your one-on-one when the client,  who has called the meeting,  says "keep talking,  I'm listening"  as they respond  at 80 wpm to the latest bright shiny conversation that popped up on their screen.  

c) See how many words you can introduce to client management lexicon.   To get top marks, you should use them incorrectly, so they're easier to spot when they've infiltrated camp.  ie:  "This is your bailiwick now" (Pointing to your shoe,  then an employee,  then your shoe again and nodding seriously) or "The IT Maturity Model you're referring to is in direct conflict with Milligram's findings on shocking things".    

...You get the idea.

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