Sunday, October 30, 2011

60 km bf run yday, Halloween skate today. Nothwithstanding the fact i am the worlds 2nd worst skater, this should be interesting.
Fascinating: Giving the F.B.I. What It Wants -

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Friday, October 28, 2011

The Muse is Dead, Long Live the Muse

Sunlight - the color of birdsong;  touch - the feel of umami.

This synaesthetic puzzle was all that was provided and yet I found you,  Lady,  high up in the barren tree,  looking to the horizon,  apparently waiting for my return.

Yet I'm not sure what you want.

Coaxing has never worked -  the only times it came close I was left with stillborn ideas,  shivering in evanescent light.

Innocent lookarounds through your houses?  Two of them have disappeared completely off the map - god help them -   and the third was locked tight,  although I knew you were in there.  (I could hear footsteps from the piano to the kettle,  your tells are not as airtight as they once were).

So,  here we are,  needing a Vince Ready - or the idea of the idea of a Vince Ready,  able to at least ladder  me up to eye level so we could talk.

Instead, I open my mind to you:

Green, undulating hills;  ladders everywhere,  dancing under the criss-cross-criss-cross of high wires over head.  Connections made,  sparks flying and hitting the ground. More often than not they sizzle out with the sound of sad confusion,  but other times,  a new ladder,  a new connection.

Moons launching from the closest valley;  or sound and vibration; or a crack where I can see the universe spinning wildly out (in) control.

A spark of interest there - you've let your hair down,  but you're still way out of reach.

I knew it would come to this,  but you of all people have to know the heart is sacred space,  and I have as much chance of opening it as you would of releasing night-terrors in a kindergarten.

You're not buying it.

And as hard as it is to say,  I'm ok with that.  I'm tired of hiding behind the metaphors and layered images and text-trickery.  I just want to weep.

For misunderstandings,  lack of connection,  fear,  doubt,  hurt,  anger,  neuroses, barren lovelessness and demons born of synaptic pathology - all the illusions that spawn from the apparent-ness of other-ness.

The trick here is -  like breath - you straddle the I Am and I Am That.  The causal and the manifest.

That,  plus the honest tears,  seem to have done it.  Thanks for coming down.

I'll follow your lead for a while.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Enjoying 'what the dog saw'. The mind of Gladwell is a cool place to hang out in.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rest in Peace Bill Lindley, wish I had met you.
#winning Michele Bachmann Team Hits Back At Press Release Detailing 2012 Campaign Dysfunction

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Watched Boss with Kelsey Grammar and 2 episodes of Homeland. Stunning, stunning television.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

There is also no loudspeaker at this airport. You watch the counter person walk towards the plane when it's time to board. #eyespeeled
This airport has: 72 seats, 2 conveyor belts, 1 just-in-time rent a car counter and literally no security screening. #refreshing

Friday, October 21, 2011

Gods ATM

It wasn't your fault,  I hope you realize that.  I was bound to come across it sooner or later,  as everybody seeker is.  To be honest,  you were pretty oblique in your description anyway.   I believe your exact words were "Choose your Gods carefully" - and that wasn't exactly giving the farm away.

I trusted you,  always have at the root level,  but some part of me couldn't help go looking for it anyways.  At first I thought it was God,  then the lack of God, then the lack of the lack of God I was looking for.  Years in the making,  and only describable by double-double negatives, metaphors, and things that take you to the edge of the infinite diving board and make you cannonball in.

Then,  the dark nite of the soul,  surrender,  and a dog paddle through the absolute. I had my hit,  and starting jonesing for more.  Seeking and Finding and Finding the Seeker 101.

The peaks and values of the relabsolutive continued to get closer together,  and on one starry nite,  I spotted something on the next mountain over.  I decided to jump and there - dusty but ready for business - Gods ATM.

There's no point in dishonesty,  it was spiritual mainlining.  No card needed,  just a touch screen display to dispense any God I wanted.  And I wanted them all.  Great Monotheistic Pillars,  Pantheistic Gardens populated with Fairies and Bearded Beaded Bodhisattvas, even an Arena I could put them all in and let them do battle.

What I didn't notice of course, was that there was a payment system involved here; for every path explored,  every guru pedestal-ed,   every I-centered prayer offered to the God du-jour,  there was a lessening of me.  The ultimate debit and credit system.

Ever the addict,  I played to my last id-bit,  put that in,   fell back and watched the watcher take it all in:

Tradition and culture and systems and love and compassion and mantras and devotionals and intellect all dissolved back into the ATM,  which tumbled down the mountain into that from which it - and everything else - had come from.  Lot of other swimmers there tonite - some holding their breath,   some diving deep,  some half in and half out,  and some just...being.

So thanks for your words,  they were part of the impetus that helped me discover that no amount of trying could ever get me here,  but that I would never get here without trying. 

And since I AM here now,  I think I'll go for dip.


A Caring Motorcyclist [VIDEO]

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Life is Mandatory

The route that delivered me to the graffiti was impossibly complex, and I couldn’t have retraced it if I wanted to. It was a peopled schematic of relationships, intersections, economic need and longing for solitude that dropped me 3000 kms from home on a grey snow-globed landscape,  looking for groceries and coming face to face with somebody’s wall-poetry:

"Life is Mandatory"

Words embed themselves in me; often they will be forgotten and reappear months later, unbidden but in context. These words though, didn’t embed; they manacled themselves around my neck like a slave yoke, and refused the quiet subconscious intake. These words came with baggage, and it was clear the only way to lighten my load was to porter the bags where they belonged.

I spent days in the chair by the window manacled up; on this side of the melted sandsheet Time put its feet up in front of the fire, lit a pipe, and played solitaire whilst I busied and bruised myself with the invention of That Which Would Remove the Yoke and deliver the baggage: The Great Post Modern Deconstruction Machine. © On that side of the melted sandsheet, weather systems and daylight and stars and moons and suns circled and hummed continuously.

Hunger went on strike.

The machine I invented stretched from my third eye across the Canadian Shield, dissolving up and back, up and back into the Northern Lights. From its brass base, crystal word-spires numbering *exactly* one less than infinity held court, and a huge hydraulic arm endlessly lifted, shuffled, pushed and fitted the landscape into caricatures of itself.

The idea was that once constructed, I would simply let 'Life is Mandatory' thought marbles roll down from my third eye and shatter any spires that found themselves in the path. Then a simple reading of the deconstructed would give me the insight I needed for freedom.

I ended up shredding my hands on the shards.

Crimson rain from my fingertips turned to crimson rivers, filled the canyons and spaces of the Machine, and I surfed till I was I either dead or exhausted.

All was dark, and silent. You know: the light before the light, the sound before the sound:


The understanding was borne beyond the gross, the subtle, and the causal:

Life truly *was* mandatory. Trying *not* to be was like trying to sit and stand at the same time and railing against the impossibility by trying even harder.

With that, the machine folded back neatly into my third eye, and I pondered the strange emancipation proclamation that - however briefly - set me free.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Run Sami Run! Blind Lexington athlete making history with dog | Mansfield News Journal |
Run Sami Run!

Red Lake Gold Mine, home till saturday

Red Lake Gold Mine

Red Lake Gold Mine, Ontario, my home till Saturday.
Now I have a strong desire to be running on Dallas rd in Victoria, listening to Supertramp and carving out the final 10 of a marathon.
I have a strong and unexplainable craving for Warren Zevon. That is all.
Lots of talk in town about the restaurants that use real potatoes in their hashbrowns. In other news, it's -1 and it's nutella for lunch.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Off off to dinner under the black-clouded freezing-rain-blighted heartland of northern ontario mining country.
Douggs and his friends BASE jumping from the elevator of Hotel Bali from Benidorm in Spain - YouTube
Snowing in Balmertown.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Aretha Franklin
Aretha, 1968, Stockholm | MetaFilter
Just finished The Book of Negroes, an astonishing read.
You have to love a motor inn whose front desk after 10pm is the bar. #seriously

Friday, October 14, 2011

Now *this* is a small plane

In Winnipeg, looking for 'Bearskin Airlines'. #honestly
I was just de-flowered at yvr by the see-u-nekkid security scanner. Feeling unusually manly right now.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Flesh-Eating Piranhas Bark When Angered | Wired Science |
Wow: The Marathon Man: 365 Marathons in 365 Days For Asthma Sufferer - TIME NewsFeed
Fail: Marathon Runner Admits to Taking a Bus to the Finish Line - TIME NewsFeed

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Forgotten Places

And here
The forgotten places
Have been carefully gathered and curated

behind the velvet rope
words, rooms,  visions and books
people, places things
20 questions with no answer

Your curiosity excites them

the rope drops
and a dusty English Garden forms for your review

Organic monstrosities for the most part
but at their feet
pointers to desires so strong
they make your body ache

leave the rope down when you leave
there's a line waiting to get in

it seems it only takes one to cascade
the forgotten into memories
the memories into thoughts
and thoughts into action


Apart from compassion
all will be relegated to this place
in the end.

Nice 10 km bf on the track afore breakfast and work.
Off for a 10 km-ish bf on the track.
My One Man March for the Homeless

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


There's this kid that hung out on a corner that I had to pass by several times a week, and it's clear he was either a sorcerer of the highest order or a brat.

Striped shirt, a little pudgy, and Di Caprio eyes - set back, sharp, radiating intelligence.

The first time I saw him, he was donning a sandwich board, advertising a 2-for-1 pizza deal. Rocking it with headphones on, dancing back and forth on the sidewalk, waving people in and trying to pipe up his commission with as many new arrivals as he could sally forth.

The second time I saw him; no sandwhich board - just a handheld sign and the headphones. Different business; didn't catch the name but I did catch his eyes as he rocked out again.

The third time there was just the kid, standing there; no headphones on, and apparently waiting for me. On the sign, one word: Next, with an arrow pointing to a tethered balloon just down the street from me.

Each time I saw him it was impossible to stop. While my actions were reasonable - I was delivering 10 year old dance students to or from their classes - he was clearly chagrined and decided to step it up a notch, and started painting the night visits.

Enter the dreams: always the same:

A field of metaphors; towering monoliths and quivering, febrile Polaroids
Shimmering or shivering from the heat of the ground
Translucent blue glass concaving over the surface
of the sun.

At the end of the path, the balloon
And my Id-bits, filthy little beggars
Seven holding the tethering cord;
Three scrambling up it
and ten dancing on it in a windless vibration that permeated the All.

This, of course, was The Metaphor. His. He sat in a New England deck chair, looking up from his script now and again as I got closer. Then, as I shuffled the id-bits away from the cord and grasped it, he stood up; threw off his beret and stood arms akimbo. On his shirt, the single word: Next.

The dreams continued night after night, until I got it: the longer I held onto what I was after, the more directions he would shout to the id-bits: stage left! stage right! Mind the fourth wall! Project!

Maybe two dreams after getting it - that that which pushed me towards my wants was exactly that which would prevent me from ever getting them - the dreams stopped.

He's gone now, of course; lesson learned, turn the page.

I still wonder if he was a sorcerer or a brat.

Best nap ever. #seinfeld #20mins

Monday, October 10, 2011

Everything goes better with rain. That includes many runs, and even working on a Monday nite in a fruitless attempt to catch up.

My sis Marci rocking the Victoria Marathon in 3:54. New pr by ten minutes!

Jerry Mesner

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Having dinner with the Welch crew for uncle Mike's 50th.

Marci rocks the victoria marathon in 3:54

My sister Marci just finished her 2nd marathon. Improved oer her laat time by 10 mins: 3:54!! So proud of her
Javier - Never Die Young (Cover) - YouTube
Javier - Never Die Young (Cover) - YouTube
Elizabeth Eckford and Hazel Bryan: the story behind the photograph that shamed America - Telegraph
Twitter Analysis: Massive Global Mourning for Steve Jobs (Infographic) | Epicenter |

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Finished 50 km barefoot run. Longest. Run. Ever. #newpr
46 km bf. 4 to go. #unchartedterritory #last4isuphill
40 km bf. 10 km to go.
25 km bf. Port moody to east van. Half way, turning around.
Dawn, running for 2 hours. 7km to the halfway point. Smell of fresh bread.
13 km in.
Stars and road, let the bf run commence.
Look: Giant Spy Blimp Dwarfs an 18-Wheeler | Danger Room |
Up and at 'em. Getting the gear out for a long, long run.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Photo Gallery: Occupy Wall Street Ignites Political Hackathon | Raw File |

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Leonard Cohen - Hallelujah - YouTube


||: In a fit I stared at you
My moons to your stars
No negative space
Because the negative cannot define

Rather a tangerine and lilac nest
Where we rested
Breath within breath
Immanence and transcendence
Spiraling up and out into
Indra's net

I harvested the jewels
halfway to infinity stopping
to see that each was replaced
by your tears

And within your tears
mirrors within mirrors
a lilac nest
and your moons
to my stars :||
"spiritual sobriety" - haven't heard that one before.
Fog on the mountain boys. Let's be careful out there.
Thank Gawd: Palin's not running.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Best sneaky napping place *ever*. #seinfeld

Monday, October 3, 2011

Back to Basics: Analog Photography Project Aims to Slow Things Down | Raw File
Back to Basics: Analog Photography Project Aims to Slow Things Down | Raw File

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Jerry is reading the bbq like a Danielle Steele novel. In third person no less. #wtf
48 hrs after the 24 hr flu, a great 15 km bf ... with a 1.5 uphill to seal it up.
The long~run~that~was~supposed~to~be would have just been finishing now. #stupidstomachflu #betternow

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