Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Place Between Memories

I admire people with strong memories.

Find it nice the way they can paint in nuances of events that happened days, weeks, months ago.

Find it titillating the way they can possess knowledge and pull it up - it shapes context, molds conversations, adds meat to intersubjective dialogue.

Find it endearing when they pull up details from the past that I was involved with.

Now, mentally box the above three points, surround them with a circle, a la Pete Seeger, with the following text: Jealousy + Fear = Source.

Each of those three points have a shadow side. I'm jealous that people can remember things that I can't. Scares me day-to-day when I lose little details, or year-to-year when I'm asked "you don't remember when...?

But then, surrounding it all - or providing the background, is Source.

Memory is a construct.

For memory to function you need to have more than one object. That which is and that which was. Problem is, you can't have more than one object, *ever*.

IT is a continuous, unbroken continuum.

Go backwards until you find that which observes mind, body, world. You can't objectify it - as soon as you do, it becomes mind, body, or world.

So it just is.

Does it have attributes?


Does it have boundaries?


Without attributes and boundaries, how could it change?

It can't.

If it can't change, there could never be a 'that which was' and 'that which is'. There could only ever be THIS; experience. Which IS everything - the bundle of sensations - mental, physical, subtle, emotional that the mind body world are reduced to. These sensations are thoughts, which are manifestations of Source.

So fear and jealousy of my 'lack' actually points me to that which IS.

Nice trick, universe.

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