Sunday, September 20, 2009

Going up, coming down

The last two weeks have been some of the sweetest non-dual nectar I've ever tasted. A constant buzz of background that everything comes up from and returns to. Happiness in non-doing. Doesn't mean not doing anything, means non-doing. Letting things happen as they will. Engaging, not engaging, but whatever happens, resting in what is, which, in the end, is consciousness:

Who am I?

The non-quantifiable, attributeless space that experiences body, mind, world.

It is without boundaries.

If it is behind all that appears to 'be', and it is boundary-less, then there could be no edges to it. No separation between it and anything else.

If there is no separation between it and anything else, and it has been established as the 'fundamental' or the most real of real - or the ONLY real, then it exists, and everything else is a part of it.

There are no 'parts' of it, or course, this just part of the deconstruction, which points to the fact that...

It's ALL consciousness. Consciousness just takes different forms.

Which brings back to the Title.

I'm aware that experiences - from mundane to Peak - are changing, ephemeral wisps. However Whether (hid) eous or (glor) ious, they just need to be pointers back to that which supports them - the absolute; consciousness. Which gives me some relief when I think of how much of what I have been experiencing could be physically tied in - serotonin functioning well - feel at-one. Have a down day / week / month, back into duality?

That one is both a little sobering as well as dissolveable. Although I won't know the experience of Being from a 'down' space until I'm there, the deal is: This underlies body, mind, world. Body / mind / world can change. Cirumstances can change. Moods, feelings, pathologies, neuroses can all come and go. But what is there, what supports and allows it all to be, is the ineffeable Is. Or shortened to I.

While I haven't seen the 'I' from the down space since my peak experiences (experiences of one-taste - see earlier blog entries), I have seen the old me creeping back in.

The crow as Kat likes to call it - looking at bright shiny objects.

In my case, it manifested in unproductive work days, being pulled away by the shiny-ies. The difference between this and when it happened earlier this year during more down periods, is that when I disengage from the shiny-ies of late, I seem them for what they were - not something "other" that would rescue me from what IS, but just things that consciousness associated with more strongly.


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