Monday, January 12, 2009

Money as Art

From my mind, circa 2003

Ok, somebody code this for me:

Need a program that will take as its input live financial feeds. The output will be a graphical display of realtime worldwide financial activity. I'm picturing a background - sky, mountains, and a foreground with some kind of flowering montage.

The horizon can represent the backdrop of financial institutions* - thinking world bank, reserves, whatever it is that forms the economic backbone of things. It can darken, lighten, storm, reinvent itself etc.

The mountains - which could be dynamic as well - would represent prime economic movers - big guns - big corporations, government etc. On the mountains will be lots of trees and vegetation, dynamically changing, of course, in response to the live data feed. These will represent - lets say - larger investors, while the foreground will represent the most signifigant of the smaller players.

So we've got horizon, mountains, vegetation, landscape, let's come all the way to the ocean, which could represent time (based on the tide) and then we can have crabs or other sea-beings that the tide washes out, over, under, clean, decimate, etc. based on the totality of the economic information displayed.

We'll call it 'money as art'. Put it up with a small amount of fanfare on the net, open source etc, and wait to see how long somebody would use it to try and make money.

The piece would be part of the experiment, the result of the piece would be the other part of the experiment.

*somebody who knows what they're talking about could fill this in

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