Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Fetching, yes?

Oh yes, dear, quite so.

Not that you asked, or that ever I would tell you that. But that's the thing with this carrion-bag of tricks. It's not in the bag, it's the fact that the bag can be put on, literally covering me head to toe ... that's the trick. OK, I technically I'm not wearing it, it's wearing me. But that's getting into metaphysical gymnastics which is not exactly what I wanted to talk about.

I wanted to talk about what was IN the lively and always slightly decaying bag of tricks. Take no offence dear, but you do not seem the type to call upon highly developed siddhi to see within, so I'll give you the penny tour - just have a sip of this and a nibble of my idbits and


In through the navel, welcome to my junkyard temple. Some of it's quite nice, but you do have to mind your step.

A map? Well, let's just say its still being worked on, but I can give you the poor-man's tour.

O'er there - see the bright sparks and dark vortexes? That's the entry fabric if you will, psychic flesh towel that houses a lot of the operational work. Take my hand here - ooh! see that reaction? N'er mind, hold on tight, the vortexes get hungry and a little out of hand when there's fresh feeding nearby.

The sparks are nice - don't overdo it, but yes, you can drift your 'hand' through their fields, it actually helps the nite vision a bit.

Now, just to the left there, let me, ok here we are, put this on. I know, might not LOOK that great but it will give you all the protection you need. We'll just do an in and out, but it'll give you the --- whoaaa anxious are we, well, no time like the non-past non-future.

Fade to sludge

Yes, that was me pulling you up. Your certain full of vim and vigor, but you have to remember that this is a muckety mucky place. Freud didn't know the half of it.

Oh yes, there we go, it does get easier once your eyes adjust. Damn, I should have had some sparks myself but it always seems a little close to cannibalism yah?

Ok. Here we go, you'll see a lot of them popping up. The once that look kind of ... digested - you can ignore them for the most part. Look for the mostly developed images - like Polaroids with an identity crisis, and you can usually -- There! See it?

THAT's what I was talking about.

You, a stranger, come waltzing into my field of vision, intimating, if not actually asking the question how do I look? Fetching, yes?

And that's where operations takes over, takes the raw data in - naval, heart, throat in this case, pull it through the sparks, into the vortexes and down the up-ladder into idbit land. From there it's as simple as waiting for the right image and latching on. More developed, better choice. Better choice, better latching. Better latching, stronger response.

what's that? Oh I know, I never said it was refined, but it does show you the inner working doesn't it?

And yes, bring the third eye in and the whole place lights up. A lot less latching and a lot more dissolving, if you get what I mean, nudge nudge, wink wink.

But that will all sound a little Oz like until you've taken a few more trips.

Ok then?


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