Sunday, April 24, 2016

Toes spurned by the hot asphalt and salved by the grass
Offer no opinion to the run's after party -
Three DuMaurier's fished from the well-salined fannypack
And imbibed back to back 

Smoke touches the whites
Pupils pin backwards
Alchemy as the electrical dives into the 
Chemical soup,  nods to Broca and tries in vain to rally the troups in the Dopa mine

This surfeit of nicotine and endorphins should cajole;
Should white-water through the mines,  and
lift the workers above chasms and through grooves
Like acid-addled surfers pinching and collecting
Florid ghosts and epiphanies 
In handbags for later consumption

but they don't

Reward system is out of service today
Working at half production or less
Coughing and spittling its way
Half blinded and neutered by 
Birth's practical joke

Grain based lighting would do it
and would have done it 
if not for recovery's choir

Who decided a quick concert on that street corner
and this one
and here 
Were needed

No visible conductor leading them through their venues
Yet clearly present

And I am gifted with another 24.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Facebook on Apocalypse Now. #wtf

This is FB's actual description of Apocalypse Now. Good on them for the Existentialism bit. I missed the disabled people exploring Costa Rica in my several views. Better go back and look at the Director's Cut. #wtf

Friday, April 4, 2014

Brilliant piece on mental illness

An Illness, Inherited?

I spent many months, as a fetus, in a mental institution, listening to the world shuffling outside.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

i love you Cal. Rest, and work in Peace.

"To Love another person is to see the face of God"  
I love you Cal.  
Rest, and work,  in Peace.


Honesty and Acumen: AC/DC (Paris 1979) [16]. Whole Lotta Rosie

I always suspected Van Halen was ahead of their time. #suspicionconfirmed Van Halen-Right now: via @youtube

I always suspected Van Halen was ahead of their time.  #suspicionconfirmed

Van Halen-Right now: via @youtube


Consultancy in a Nutshell, Part 3

Consultancy in a nutshell,  part 3.   Do not try to understand the millions of dollars that are paid to Top Shelf Consultant firms that sometimes start with M or A to come up with vision,  value, culture and mission statements that have nothing to do with happens on the ground.  Admire the four quadrants and platitudes as you would a septic tank truck with a broken axle:  with deference,  exhilaration,  and a lot of distance.


Friday, February 14, 2014

Consulting in a Nutshell, Part 2

a) Find secure web apps that will make bureaucracy's wheels move faster.  
Throw them away before you're told you can't use them.  

b) Drop words like "piddle",  "hoistengrabber" and "grubble-finger" in your one-on-one when the client,  who has called the meeting,  says "keep talking,  I'm listening"  as they respond  at 80 wpm to the latest bright shiny conversation that popped up on their screen.  

c) See how many words you can introduce to client management lexicon.   To get top marks, you should use them incorrectly, so they're easier to spot when they've infiltrated camp.  ie:  "This is your bailiwick now" (Pointing to your shoe,  then an employee,  then your shoe again and nodding seriously) or "The IT Maturity Model you're referring to is in direct conflict with Milligram's findings on shocking things".    

...You get the idea.