Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Otago Daily Times: Franciscan friars enter digital age

The largest group of Franciscan friars in the United States is offering the faithful a new way to pray in the digital age by accepting prayer requests via text messages.

The Friars of Holy Name Province, who staff 40 parishes and have colleges, soup kitchens and food centres along the eastern seaboard, as well as groups in Peru and Tokyo, are among a few religious groups offering this type of digital service.

Its "Text a Prayer Intention to a Franciscan Friar" initiative, which is described as faith at your fingertips, is a novel way for Roman Catholics to connect.

"People are always saying to friars, "Can you say a prayer for me?" Or "Can you remember my mother who has cancer?"" Father David Convertino, the New York-based executive director of development for the Franciscan Friars of the Holy Name Province, said in an interview...
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