Sunday, October 14, 2012

Some notes from the long run

Some facts from the track yesterday.  Run time:  about 9 hours,  consumed about 7 litres of water,  15 running gels,  2 cliff bars,  2 bananas,  and and a 5 hour energy shot.  To bed at 10, up at 1:00 am, On the track just after 2:00 am and finished about 11.  Rained for the first 90 minutes,  totally soaked. Nice fog boiling in from the woods towards the track,  very King-esque.  Rain stopped for about 6 hours,  then rained again until well after I finished,  water logged and happy.  Listened start to finish audiobook - Scott Jurek's Eat and Run,  and Mumford and Son's Babel. (Both brilliant). Hot bath when I got home to warm up,  short nap in the afternoon,  then made it until 10:00 oclock before I passed out,  20 minutes before the end of the Avengers.  Legs and feet feel good today,  just a little tired - no cramps or knots.  Ice Bath tonite,  Advil and L Glutomine yesterday and today.  Pretty sure I could run a 10 km tomorrow, if time allowed.  ;) Nite all.

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