Wednesday, October 31, 2012

I really *don't* know what she's selling now, but good on Fox news for giving her front page coverage

Clearly there's a shortage of news stories Fox and CNN have been able to drum up.  

CNN, keeping it real. #Insightsthatmatter #adbasednewsfeeds


It was just a matter of time: 1800 Religious Right Rabbi Blames Hurricane Sandy on Gays, Marriage Equality

Rabbi Noson Leiter of Torah Jews for Decency is blaming Hurricane Sandy on gays and lesbians, calling it “divine justice” for New York’s new marriage equality law. Torah Jews for Decency campaigned against marriage equality in New York and New Jersey, worked with Liberty Counsel and New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms in an unsuccessful lawsuit to overturn New York’s marriage law, and has joined with various other Religious Right groups on anti-gay campaigns.

Yesterday, Leiter appeared on Crosstalk, the flagship program of Vic Eliason’s Voice of Christian Youth America, alongside Neil DiCarlo, a candidate for New York State Senate, to discuss New York’s legalization of same-sex marriage.

Leiter asserted that the “the Great Flood in the time of Noah was triggered by the recognition of same-gender marriages,” adding that there are similar “messages in this particular storm for us.” “The Lord will not bring another flood to destroy the entire world but He could punish particular areas with a flood, and if we look at the same-gender marriage recognition movement that’s occurring, that certainly is a message for us to learn,” he said. “We have to learn that the Lord does watch what we do and if we don’t shape up He will deliver divine justice.” Leiter also suggested that God flooded Lower Manhattan because it is “one of the national centers of homosexuality.”


Later in the program, Leiter argued that the “LGBT radical homosexualist movement” threatens the survival of society and religious freedom and will even increase child abuse by giving molesters a “license to victimize” children and even “a certain degree of diplomatic immunity.”

Eliason: Rabbi Leiter, you have been passionately involved in the fight for biblical, moral values, why?

Leiter: I think that’s what the Lord wants us to do and if we do not we face an existential threat. There is an issue of the survival of morality being necessary for the survival of society, and that’s not just an issue that’s specific to marriage. In addition there’s an issue of religious liberty. The LGBT radical homosexualist movement is really the Avant-guard of Bible-haters of all different types, not just limited to the left. The advance towards homosexual rights and so-called marriage is not predicated on getting rights, and just thereby stepping on the rights of Bible believers. The purpose is to bash Bible-believers using their so-called rights as a pretext do so and that’s why it is so critical to oppose them because they’re not after something that they think is theirs, they’re after us.

Leiter: There are so many things that people could point out about the negatives aspects of the homosexual life that is being touted as being this wonderful idea that the media doesn’t talk about. We’re talking about victimization that goes on under the rubric of protecting people’s rights; they’re not interested in protecting people’s rights, they’re interested in giving people a license to victimize, particularly to victimize children, and we pick up the pieces on some of that. We know how hard this is hitting society. The crisis of child molestation is not independent of the intentional proliferation of unfettered homosexuality, they are definitely connected, it doesn’t meant that every molester is homosexual but many of them are, there is a disproportionate number that are homosexual males. They are in some cases being given a certain degree of diplomatic immunity because of their favored status centered around a common vice. That’s something that no state has a right to do.

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A: Thanks Oscar Peterson for practicing 18 hours a day. B: "Truisms are the children of hindsight" - Terry Brookes

Three words, when contemplated, encapsulate all that is wrong with banking culture. #yesi'mserious


This sign begs the question; why is the door there at all?


Monday, October 29, 2012

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" #squaready "

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Saturday, October 27, 2012

"If your boss tells you that the company you work for is not stable enough to survive an election, then the company you work for is not stable enough to survive stress of any kind"

If your boss tells you that the company you work for is not stable enough to survive an election, then the company you work for is not stable enough to survive stress of any kind. Successful CEOs say, "Come what may, this organization is prepared to adapt and pursue growth and profit." The CEOs that tell you otherwise are not particularly good at their jobs. And the more pressing problem is that the letter you got, urging you to vote in a certain way or you will lose your job, is your canary in a coal mine, telling you that there is some other fatal dysfunction happening at your workplace that's liable to put you out of work anyway.

Handle #44, again


Screw the haters this could be a game changer. #Believe


Finally, I can breathe again.


Breaky, coffee, Spira, bath, snooze, kid commute

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Aum Sante Maria Hallelujah El Shadai ~ Koan's broken open I am That, and I am I. -me, from a song a couple of months ago. Donald Trump wants Barack Obama to publish his college and passport records but won't reveal his own

Adviser deems Guardian request "stupid" after tycoon's "October surprise" proves to be call for information on president

While Donald Trump had no problem demanding that Barack Obama reveal details about his passport and time at college on Wednesday, the billionaire business mogul proved rather less forthcoming when it came to a request for information about himself.

Trump announced on Wednesday that he would donate $5m to a charity of Obama's choosing, if the president handed over his "college records and applications, and passport application and records".

But when the Guardian contacted Trump's office to ask for Trump's college and passport records, it was accused of "trying to be funny" and the request was deemed to be "stupid".

"I tell you what, he'll provide them to you when you provide yours to him," said Michael Cohen, executive vice president at the Trump Organization and special counsel to Trump, in what began as a friendly encounter.

I readily agreed to the deal, and offered to provide my college records and passport-application records to the Trump office for inspection. That seemed to prompt a change of heart.

"But what's your point? Mr Trump's not the president of the United States and he's not running for the presidency," Cohen said. "And pretty much all you need to do is go to one of the thousand different books that Mr Trump has been featured in or has written and so on, and you could learn more about him than you know about pretty much anybody on the planet."

Trump has authored and co-authored at least 18 books, including: Trump: The Art of the Deal; Trump: How to Get Rich; and Trump: Surviving at the Top. Unfortunately, none of Trump's oeuvre graces the bookshelves at the Guardian's New York office - an oversight which is in the process of being rectified.

Though nothing, of course, could be further from the truth, Cohen went on to accuse the Guardian of not taking the story seriously.

"I think what you're doing is you're, whether you're trying to be funny, intentionally or not, actually it's a stupid request on your behalf," he said. "It's trying to poke fun at the fact that the president of the United States is the least transparent president that we've ever had. He may be the least transparent politician we've ever come across.

"And I tell you what, why don't you do this, since you want to be so clever. Why don't you turn around and say if Mr Trump releases all of his records to you, you will donate $5m to the charity of his choice?"

I pointed out that I did not have $5m to hand. "I'm afraid that you shouldn't be asking the same request then," Cohen said.

Your reporter protested that if Trump was demanding that others producer their records, it was only fair that he produced his own. Cohen said: "Do you not think Mr Trump has been scrutinised his entire life?"

Surely, I countered, Obama, as president of the United States, had also been subject to considerable scrutiny?

"No, actually Mr Trump does not [think that]," Cohen said. "I tell you what, since you want our records, do it under the terms Mr Trump has. Make a donation to Mr Trump's favourite charity."

I agreed to a donation, but said that it would probably not amount to $5m.

"OK then, $500,000," Cohen said.

Not being able to put my hands on even so modest a sum as this, I attempted to steer the conversation back to the original suggestion - that Trump would turn over his records in exchange for mine, for free. Cohen promised that he would "take it up with Mr Trump".

"And by the way, while we're at it, I'd like to have all your authorisations under HIPAA, for all your medical records as well," Cohen said.

Happy to oblige, I asked for an address. But Cohen hung up.

So, sadly, we are probably not going to get Donald Trump's college records and passport-application details. Unless someone has a spare $5m lying around...

Donald TrumpBarack ObamaUS elections 2012United StatesUS politicsAdam Gabbatt © 2012 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved. | Use of this content is subject to our Terms & Conditions | More Feeds
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Mourdock has a lot of vowels in his name. Not sure if there is a correlation between that fact and his hair's astonishing normalcy.


I have created a new meme. Please decipher it, co-opt it and use it as your own.

I bet Dr. Drew has great hair.


The Donald could have great hair, if he pwned it.

Fred Phelps, I'm guessing, probably has scalp problems.

Ann Coulter has great hair.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Welcome to the new Millenium


As memory serves, I learned of Surrender through Mark Lindal and Fast Times at Ridgemont High.

I didn't think I could find anything worse in the company kitchen than Vegemite. I was wrong.

Instant coffee. Decaf "Rich" instant coffee. Nescafé had the audacity to not only freeze dry this anemic, emasculated swill, but label it Rich.

*And* they trademarked the "Rich". Like this status or retweet if you just threw up in your mouth a little.


Progress is unbelievable

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

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"Handel 44"

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Some notes from the long run

Some facts from the track yesterday.  Run time:  about 9 hours,  consumed about 7 litres of water,  15 running gels,  2 cliff bars,  2 bananas,  and and a 5 hour energy shot.  To bed at 10, up at 1:00 am, On the track just after 2:00 am and finished about 11.  Rained for the first 90 minutes,  totally soaked. Nice fog boiling in from the woods towards the track,  very King-esque.  Rain stopped for about 6 hours,  then rained again until well after I finished,  water logged and happy.  Listened start to finish audiobook - Scott Jurek's Eat and Run,  and Mumford and Son's Babel. (Both brilliant). Hot bath when I got home to warm up,  short nap in the afternoon,  then made it until 10:00 oclock before I passed out,  20 minutes before the end of the Avengers.  Legs and feet feel good today,  just a little tired - no cramps or knots.  Ice Bath tonite,  Advil and L Glutomine yesterday and today.  Pretty sure I could run a 10 km tomorrow, if time allowed.  ;) Nite all.

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Wisdom: It’s time for Islamophobic evangelicals to choose – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Monday, October 1, 2012

Indeed: Independent, UK: Sexual "conversion" therapy unethical, pscyhotherapists told

Psychotherapists have been told by their biggest professional body that it is unethical for them to try to "convert" people from being gay to straight.

The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy has written to its members, who number nearly 30,000, to inform them of new guidelines.

The BACP "opposes any psychological treatment such as "reparative" or "conversion" therapy which is based upon the assumption that homosexuality is a mental disorder, or based on the premise that the client/patient should change his/her sexuality," the letter says.

It ends: "There is no scientific, rational or ethical reason to treat people who identify within a range of human sexualities any differently from those who identify solely as heterosexual."

Conversion, or reparative, therapy generally involves talking, but electro-convulsive therapy was used to "cure" gay patients as recently as the 1980s. Chemical castration was also used...
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Today, I'm owning my Katniss Everdeen look.

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