Thursday, July 21, 2011

Trinity Sky Minute

The music drifted through Soporfico's layer with a gentle - but certainly not obvious - telos.

I had boarded a real train at a real station in real time 5 to 10 minutes ago; plugged into media almost but not quite above my head 7 minutes ago; and drifted into the dragon's layer about 2 minutes ago.

Skin temperature had dropped, blood brought to the internal organs as I relaxed into an unknown wavelength somewhere between drowsing and dreaming and there

there the music came in; through a little crack in the gray borderland between here and here. And with the music, the changes.

My fingers impossibly stretched from the last car to the first car of the Express, and I Iphone pinched the whole beast into a toy version of itself. I witnessed and descended simultaneously, looking at the giant toy train before me; climbed the ladder and said hello to the conductor; did all the things I could not do in the non-dreaming state, finally laying down and looking at the clouded sky above me.

And that sky was the boundary from here to here. Just on the other side was the 'real' train, where I sat quietly drowsing and I could feel the rubber band, the psychic umbilical chord pulling me from the toy train

to the 'real train'

to the room at 214 where I put the feet up to nap when Soporifico is too strong for me to properly do battle with.

Three layers deep, this, like Inception, or the Perennial philosophy, or the gross subtle causal, or the Trinity

And with that, looking at the clouds, and thinking Trinity

A vision of a stool, with three legs supporting the supportable

Which stretched out and inverted itself and scooped me up, train, soporifico and all, and pulled us all back on the rubber band track to 214

So strong that it broke the glass and sent me 24 floors down towards the cement where finally

I was caught by the Iphone, captured, QR'd, and posted as a story for ghosts to read in the coming days.

Just saying.

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