Blog Archive
- Brokeback Linux. Two exceptionally close sys-admi...
- Baby steps.
- Buntzen lake 10.2 km vff run 1 hour 18. Tis a hil...
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- Nature's antidepressant
- Downy armada
- Buntzen lake trail, VFF, 10.22 kms 1hr 24. Great h...
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- Gaia, the path and I
- Hmnmm
- off to run the misty hills of Buntzen
- Thinking tomorrow it's VFF and 8.5 km around Buntz...
- 10 km barefoot, 52.5 minutes. 5 mins sub 5km. B...
- I guess even the throwaway creative tries are nece...
- I've just found the world's most unattractive seat...
- My interior ecosystem could use some top-kill
- Great sign
- Congratulations Adam Lambert! I love PVR's.
- Got a huge email out *and* cut a ten minute walk t...
- No room for the room
- 5 km barefoot, 24:11. Yowsah.
- Find meIn the space between the rungsThe valleys b...
- Recognizeable Stranger
- Liking Nick Drake. Sad life, beautiful legacy.
- Just gutted out a new pb on the track: 10 km baref...
- Just gutted out a new pb on the track: 10 km baref...
- My niece just rocked the 400 meters
- Leonard Cohen + crude digital renderings = quiet F...
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- Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry
- Spare tire procured. Caution -Huarache-making ahead
- Man I hate being early
- 8 mins to make the train.
- 10 km barefoot 52 mins. 3 continguous sub-5 kms.
- Tried just keeping the consonants but ended up wit...
- More turnovers here than a pastry shop on Saturday...
- "Causality is the prejudice of the West, chance is...
- Perspective is everything
- Jump rope for heart maelstrom
- My Eyes, My Tears.mp3
- Acme wall o' storm
- Heaven
- Stuck on stalled train due to a downed powerline. ...
- The soil's so good here we even grow our own pylons
- Non dual algebra
- This meeting is not going well for some participants.
- Fabric hardened to stain glass; conflagrationAs th...
- Trailer Trashed
- Scratch that
- 5 km barefoot 24:56
- "Bathrooms that smell like dentist's offices are n...
- My landing page:
- Butterfly effect: just sneezed so hard I blew the...
- Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry
- My hero.
- nice 6 km barefoot on the seawall. 4:44 minute km...
- Any numerologists out there want to provide a thes...
- Innocence and angstGrace and sadnessGather in a gr...
- Time to work out mental and physical angst, one fo...
- The essence of Buddhism is if you can, help others...
- See it Now?
- See it Now?
- Sisters grad - masters of theology!
- Nice easy 6.5 km bf on the seawall. Trying on 4:4...
- “I just wish people would realize that anything’s ...
- So *that's* why people wear shoes to run in the wo...
- Finished Sasamat lake loop bf. Slowest 3 km *ever*
- Half way. Gods bless cement.
- From whence I came. Crushed gravel paths making me...
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- Pastoral
- Start
- Running the woods barefoot. One loop around white...
- Me likes
- Beautiful frosted fat sponge.
- Slow 8k on the treadmill. Legs are coming back.
- Otis, train, gym, krishna das, family.
- I now have two long term running goals: Boston an...
- Chip time for Sunday's bf marathon was 4:02 and ch...
- Full out tired.
- Off the grid until 26.2 are complete. Good luck e...
- God bless the marathon crew. Extra safety pins pro...
- First Pace Bunny sighting
- Leg candy
- Game on - T minus 50 mins till barefoot marathon # 5
- Last minute prep, then off downtown for 26.2 mile...
- Much sports merchandising is to team spirit as war...
- Must be a purebred
- Poo infinity, and beyond!
- Calm before the storm
- Van marathon expo. Lots of excitement!
- Eddie Izzard is my new hero.
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