Monday, May 31, 2010

Brokeback Linux. Two exceptionally close sys-admins, and a rogue Kernel.
Baby steps.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Buntzen lake 10.2 km vff run 1 hour 18. Tis a hilly wooded beast!


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Nature's antidepressant

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Downy armada

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Buntzen lake trail, VFF, 10.22 kms 1hr 24. Great hilly workout

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Gaia, the path and I

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off to run the misty hills of Buntzen

Friday, May 28, 2010

Thinking tomorrow it's VFF and 8.5 km around Buntzen. See if I can do this trail running thing.
10 km barefoot, 52.5 minutes. 5 mins sub 5km. BQ =< 730
I guess even the throwaway creative tries are necessary to the grander project at work.

I've just found the world's most unattractive seating decorative area.

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My interior ecosystem could use some top-kill

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Great sign


Jerry Mesner

Congratulations Adam Lambert! I love PVR's.
Got a huge email out *and* cut a ten minute walk to the train to a 6 min run with laptop and gym bag. Literally 14 seconds to spare.

No room for the room

I spent a few minutes there, just now.
Where ideas swim in a spaceless room
Conundrums take off their shoes on the welcome mat
And dissolve
No room for them!

And yet the freedom
No objects, no space, no distance, no time
No tension

And now, no room for the room.
Back to the day.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

5 km barefoot, 24:11. Yowsah.
Find me
In the space between the rungs
The valleys between the letters

That moment of in-breath
As the baton is raised to queue

Recognizeable Stranger

Find me
In the space between the rungs
The valleys between the letters

That moment of in-breath
As the baton is raised to queue

Resting, alert
Ready, but not waiting

And now
Riding the interior winds
From crown and root to heart

Flare, blossom, dissipate


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Liking Nick Drake. Sad life, beautiful legacy.

Just gutted out a new pb on the track: 10 km barefoot, 49:23. Ave pace 4:56, hr 169.

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Just gutted out a new pb on the track: 10 km barefoot, 49:23. Ave pace 4:56, hour 169.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Leonard Cohen + crude digital renderings = quiet Friday nite.


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Spare tire procured. Caution -Huarache-making ahead

Man I hate being early

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8 mins to make the train.
10 km barefoot 52 mins. 3 continguous sub-5 kms.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tried just keeping the consonants but ended up with irritable vowel syndrome.
More turnovers here than a pastry shop on Saturday morning.
"Causality is the prejudice of the West, chance is the prejudice of the East" - Carl Jung

Perspective is everything

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Jump rope for heart maelstrom

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Acme wall o' storm

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Stuck on stalled train due to a downed powerline. Nothing to do but read...Hey this is awesome!

The soil's so good here we even grow our own pylons

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Non dual algebra

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

This meeting is not going well for some participants.
Fabric hardened to stain glass; conflagration
As the Light within returns to the Light without
I hitch, am and gone.

Trailer Trashed

Harms way, distanced by a sheet
Copper and moth wings release me
But its freedom by thread-count

In flight; cocooned by the protector
and everywhere

Fabric hardened to stain glass; conflagration

As the Light within returns to the Light without

I hitch, am and gone.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Scratch that

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5 km barefoot 24:56

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"Bathrooms that smell like dentist's offices are not to be trusted". - Me, just now.
My landing page:
Butterfly effect: just sneezed so hard I blew the touch-button mouse off my laptop. Wondering at the chaos that *could* have ensued.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

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My hero.

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Friday, May 14, 2010

nice 6 km barefoot on the seawall. 4:44 minute kms is the new goal.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Any numerologists out there want to provide a thesis as to why my phone keeps trying to dial 7? #nobradpittreferences

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Innocence and angst
Grace and sadness
Gather in a great black starred ball
Fold inward
And explode in drifting dandelion seeds
Time to work out mental and physical angst, one foot at a time.
The essence of Buddhism is if you can, help others. If not, then at least refrain from hurting others. -Dalai Lama

See it Now?

Jerry Mesner

See it Now?

Behind you, there, it's dancing.
See it now?

Febrile glow
Arms outstretched under yours,
Propping you up in my eyes
And reaching for my throat center

It digests
The You I think I see
The 'I' I think I feel

Cavernous maw
Ever unsated

But the field it dances on
Is ever untouched
Blue blushes, and green, and the smell of bubble gum and Bottle Caps

Innocence and angst
Grace and sadness
Gather in a great black starred ball
Fold inward
And explode in drifting dandelion seeds

Which will populate the Karmic field
and Paint new scenes, like the one behind you.

See it now?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Sisters grad - masters of theology!
Nice easy 6.5 km bf on the seawall. Trying on 4:44 kms for size. Meaning 1, sandwiched by manly shuffling.
“I just wish people would realize that anything’s possible if they try, that dreams are made if people try.” - Terry Fox

Sunday, May 9, 2010

So *that's* why people wear shoes to run in the woods.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Finished Sasamat lake loop bf. Slowest 3 km *ever*

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Half way. Gods bless cement.

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From whence I came. Crushed gravel paths making me feel contemplative and stupid.

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Running the woods barefoot. One loop around white pine planned.

Me likes

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Beautiful frosted fat sponge.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Slow 8k on the treadmill. Legs are coming back.
Otis, train, gym, krishna das, family.
I now have two long term running goals: Boston and Comrades. Don't know which will be harder.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Chip time for Sunday's bf marathon was 4:02 and change.Best in 15 yrs.Bested my personal best by 19 mins.Beat last years time by 36 mins.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Full out tired.
Off the grid until 26.2 are complete. Good luck everyone! Namaste. CM
God bless the marathon crew. Extra safety pins procured - floppy bib syndrome averted.

First Pace Bunny sighting

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Leg candy

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Game on - T minus 50 mins till barefoot marathon # 5

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Last minute prep, then off downtown for 26.2 miles of barefoot fun. Water, check! Gels, check! Timing chip, check! Will, check! 4,3,2,

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