Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Doctor's Struggle With Numbers -

Brilliant and cogent analysis: Rolling Stone Mobile - Politics - Politics: The NRA vs. America

Let there be lights

File under bait and hook. Up to 100% off! What could go wrong?

Re: Somebody had a serious lapse of judgement, but it's still going on my résumé.

Awesome! Well deserved I am sure

Sent from my iPhone. Please pardon typos.

On 2013-01-31, at 8:10 PM, Jerry Mesner <> wrote:

> <photo.JPG>

Somebody had a serious lapse of judgement, but it's still going on my résumé.

How Is This Possible?

A co-worker re-imagined my innocent caricature.

New MS lingo:pervasive interoperability #seriously #thoughtleadersbeafraidbeveryafraid

New MS lingo:pervasive interoperability #seriously #thightleadersbeafraidbeveryafraid

Three countries agree: I need to shut up more.

It is currently 1.101×10^7 seconds until I turn 1.482×10^9 seconds.

Love in Action: St. Boniface Church In San Francisco Lets Homeless People Sleep In Pews (PHOTOS)

Love in Action: St. Boniface Church In San Francisco Lets Homeless People Sleep In Pews (PHOTOS)

I know, so last year, but I missed it somehow.

I know,  so last year,  but I missed it somehow.

The antipode of Vancouver BC is very disappointing. And watery.

The antipode of Vancouver BC is very disappointing.  And watery.

How else would they travel?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

That's the sound of sages, hanging their heads in disbelief, and serving in compassion anyways. Guns In Churches:

That's the sound of sages, hanging their heads in disbelief, and serving in compassion anyways. Guns In Churches:

What's wrong with religion and atheism? Usually, people.

What's wrong with religion and atheism? Usually, people.

Lateral thinking win-win solution to gun problem. Brilliant bravo:

Lateral thinking win-win solution to gun problem. Brilliant bravo:

Q&A: Merry Widows and Some Surprising Truths about Grief |

Semantic news labeling algorithm gone wild

Sue to ensure your right to discriminate is not discriminated against?

NOM Founder To SCOTUS: Religious Discrimination Is More Important Than Marriage Equality

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Unless I'm missing something, the sign is on sale for 💲7

Emma Fitzpatrick as Anne Hathaway- why Anne deserves the Oscar, put to song.

An Iron-Clad Proof of God? Pagans, Muslims, Christians and the Jewish stand together on this argument:

 An Iron-Clad Proof of God?  Pagans, Muslims, Christians and the Jewish stand together on this argument:

"A person can be a believer and be quite intelligent. A person can be an atheist and be quite a morally upright person."

Troubled Logistics For a Literalist

What is my screen resolution

Link: (sent via Shareaholic)


Now THAT is a full service cupboard

Whitehead, concurrently building on and screwing with my worldview.

Whitehead, concurrently building on and screwing with my worldview.

U.S. researchers map emotional intelligence of the brain

U.S. researchers map emotional intelligence of the brain

Shared via News360

U.S. researchers map emotional intelligence of the brain

U.S. researchers map emotional intelligence of the brain

Shared via News360

You are the common factor in your life. —Bang Na, Thailand

You are the common factor in your life.
—Bang Na, Thailand

Man, a lot of other people sure seem to suffer from this: Fundamental attribution error

"A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside us" - Franz Kafka —Arlington Heights, IL

"A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside us"

- Franz Kafka
—Arlington Heights, IL

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Occupy Sunny D

1-800- compassion -over -dogma: The National Memo » Gun Extremists Heckle Father Of Newtown Victim

1-800- compassion -over -dogma: The National Memo » Gun Extremists Heckle Father Of Newtown Victim

ReadWrite – Nerd Alert: Turn Your Browser Into A Notepad

ReadWrite – Nerd Alert: Turn Your Browser Into A Notepad Galaxy Picture: New Herschel Space Observatory Image Shows 'Cool Lanes' Of Stars Galaxy Picture: New Herschel Space Observatory Image Shows 'Cool Lanes' Of Stars

The book which the reader has before him at this moment is, from one end to the other, in its entirety and details ... a progress from evil to good, from injustice to justice, from falsehood to truth, from night to day, from appetite to conscience, from corruption to life; from bestiality to duty, from hell to heaven, from nothingness to God. The starting point: matter, destination: the soul. The hydra at the beginning, the angel at the end. - Victor Hugo on Les Mis. #mylatestobsession

“I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend.” ― Freddie Mercury —Fort Collins, CO

"I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend."
― Freddie Mercury
—Fort Collins, CO

Wait Loss


WOW! I'll get right on that then. Screw Snopes.

Article - - Buddhism in second life: Anthropologist studies spirituality in virtual reality

Just tooted with pride on the train. #nomoregasbigotry —Vancouver,

Just tooted with pride on the train. #nomoregasbigotry

I freaking love Billy Joel. —Birmingham, MI

I freaking love Billy Joel.
—Birmingham, MI

Increased Productivity Ration, involving me shutting up.

Stopping Jerry's Explanations  has a direct correlation with increased productivity.  It's  1: 10  1 minute saved = 10 minutes increased productivity.  If you shut me up for 3 conversations in a day,  you will increase your productivity by 30 minutes.

Cause and effect

5 seconds after photoing the train's eyes, the door opened only half way for me. #coincidentalsyncronicity

Monday, January 28, 2013

Books and poems and apples and coffee. —Washington, DC

Books and poems and apples and coffee.
—Washington, DC

It's a dangerous business, going out your door. If you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where the wind might take you.

It's a dangerous business, going out your door. If you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where the wind might take you.

-- Bilbo Baggins
—Franklin, IN

Sometimes silence is the most influential of all sounds.

Sometimes silence is the most influential of all sounds.
—Grand Blanc, MI

Great quote: Sarah Palin is to modern Republicans what Richard Nixon was to Republicans of the 60s. (Contd)

Sarah Palin is to modern Republicans what Richard Nixon was to Republicans of the 60s. The resentment that Nixon tapped so brilliantly reached its peak under Ronald Reagan and then degenerated steadily over time. The downward path led through Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Roger Ailes, and freedom fries, finally reaching its debased apotheosis in Sarah Palin and the tea party. With her gone, it might be a sign that the long, twilight success of Nixonland as a political strategy is finally starting to fade.

Geekcool, and beautiful. Tweet ping

Farewell Sarah

Sarah Palin is to modern Republicans what Richard Nixon was to Republicans of the 60s. The resentment that Nixon tapped so brilliantly reached its peak under Ronald Reagan and then degenerated steadily over time. The downward path led through Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Roger Ailes, and freedom fries, finally reaching its debased apotheosis in Sarah Palin and the tea party. With her gone, it might be a sign that the long, twilight success of Nixonland as a political strategy is finally starting to fade.

Cheeky Monkey

Smile, breathe and go slowly. - Thich Nhat Hanh —Lakewood, CO

Smile, breathe and go slowly.
- Thich Nhat Hanh
—Lakewood, CO

Francis Crick admitted materialist theory flew in the face of common sense

Materialism demands the denial of the reality of our own mind.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

At Les Mis with one of my favorite people. #caltoo

Russian Spring? Sarah Palin vows to fight on without Fox News gig

Sarah Palin has parted ways with Fox News, but says, "we haven't begun to fight!" even though polls show declining support for the tea party movement. In particular, she promises to "shake up the GOP machine."

The "lamestream media," as Sarah Palin calls it, may have written her off now that the former vice presidential candidate and tea party favorite has lost her principal media voice as a well-paid commentator on Fox News.

But there's no indication that Ms. Palin will go back to life in Alaska as the former mayor of a small town and then governor for two years, fishing and hunting with her family before Sen. John McCain picked her out of relative political obscurity to be his running mate in 2008...
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But CERN's making progress:the Standard Model of particle physics describes only 5 percent of the universe

Physicists at Large Hadron Collider to decide whether newly discovered particle is The One

DAVOS, Switzerland — The world should know with certainty by the middle of this year whether a subatomic particle discovered by scientists is a long-sought Higgs boson, the head of the world's largest atom smasher says.

Rolf Heuer, director of the European Organization for Nuclear Research, or CERN, said he is confident that "towards the middle of the year, we will be there." By then, he said reams of data from the $10 billion Large Hadron Collider on the Swiss-French border near Geneva should have been assessed.

The timing could also help Scottish physicist Peter Higgs win a Nobel Prize, Heuer said in an interview with The Associated Press in the Swiss resort of Davos on Saturday.

CERN's atom smasher helped scientists declare in July their discovery of a new subatomic particle that Heuer calls "very, very like" a Higgs boson, that promises a new realm of understanding the universe.

The machine, which has been creating high-energy collisions of protons to investigate dark matter, antimatter and the creation of the universe, is being put to rest early this year. The data from it, however, takes longer to analyze.

"Suppose the Higgs boson is a special snowflake. So you have to identify the snowflake, in a big snowstorm, in front of a background of snowfields," Heuer said by way of analogy. "That is very difficult. You need a tremendous amount of snowfall in order to identify the snowflakes and this is why it takes time."

He said the Standard Model of particle physics describes only 5 percent of the universe, which many theorize occurred in a massive explosion known as the Big Bang.
To explain how subatomic particles, such as electrons, protons and neutrons, were themselves formed, Higgs and others in the 1960s envisioned an energy field where particles interact with a key particle, the Higgs boson.
The idea was that other particles interact with Higgs bosons, and the more they interact, the bigger their mass will be. But a big question remains: Is this new particle a variation of the Higgs boson, or the same as the single Higgs boson that was predicted?

The phrase "God particle," coined by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman, is used by laymen, not physicists, more as an explanation for how the subatomic universe works than how it all started.

"Now, if there is a deviation in one of the properties of this Higgs boson, that means we open a new window, for example, hopefully into the part of the dark universe, the 95 percent of the unknown universe," said Heuer.
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CNET: Is your hotel trying to choke you with an iPhone app?

In an effort to save money (and annoy guests), hotels are preventing you from making your hotel room cold. And it's all controlled by a little iPhone app.

Some like it cold.

It's not everyone's idea of comfort, but sitting in a cool hotel room - especially when it's hot outside - can offer a certain pleasure. At least for me.

It's a pleasure that a certain group of people want to deny me. They're called hotel owners.

Hotel owners, it seems, are rather fonder of making a cool profit.

It's bad enough when the room has no windows you can open. However, an ever-increasing trend is for hotels to restrict how cold you can make your room temperature.

You click furiously on the thermostat's "down" arrow and it makes like a prison guard.

Recently, I stayed in a hotel where it was verboten to have less than 67 degrees in your room.

To me, 67 degrees is balmy and barmy. So I called the front desk and wondered whether an engineer might help me in my unreasonable quest to choose the temperature in my room.

When he arrived he took one look and said: "Yes, 67 degrees. That's the hotel policy."...
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Bravo: Canadian woman makes history as first gay province leader

Kathleen Wynne's successful bid to become Ontario premier means country's four most powerful provinces are female-led

Ontario's Liberals have chosen a former cabinet minister to become the province's first female premier and first openly gay leader of a Canadian province.

In her acceptance speech as the new provincial Liberal party leader, Kathleen Wynne, 59, a former Ontario education minister, thanked her partner, Jane, for her support during a three-month campaign. Ontario was one of the first Canadian provinces to allow same-sex marriage.

Wynne's victory means Canada's four most powerful provinces will all be led by women. British Columbia, Alberta and Quebec already have female premiers. Women are also at the helm in the Atlantic province of Newfoundland and Labrador and in the thinly populated Arctic territory of Nunavut.

Wynne replaces Dalton McGuinty, who said in October he was stepping down as party leader and premier, amid controversy over costly cancellations of two natural gas power plants and battles with teachers over provincial plans to freeze wages.

The centre-left Liberals have been in power for nine years in Ontario, which is Canada's most populous province. It is also home to most of the country's banks and a large part of its manufacturing sector. But the party lost seats in the 2011 provincial election and needs support from at least one other party to stay in power.

The left-leaning New Democrats are the natural ally for Wynne, who has a reputation for seeking compromise and is viewed as being to the left of other Ontario Liberals.

In her address to the party faithful, she invited leaders from both opposition parties to work with her to advance the interests of Ontario communities. "But make no mistake. If that stops working, I will fight them for every seat, for every poll, for every vote in the next election," she said.

The Liberals are facing a C$12bn (£7.5bn) budget deficit. They have vowed to curb growth in spending, as modest economic growth hurts revenues, and say it will take five more years to balance the budget.

Ontario accounts for roughly 40%of Canadian gross domestic product and is among the largest sub-national borrowers in the world, issuing bonds worth nearly C$35bn in 2012.

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I'm just guessing there's other reasons as well. #startwithchafing

If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong. —Somewhere, United Kingdom

If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.
—Somewhere, United Kingdom

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Spirit Meets Science Through Yoga

Oh for Gawd's sake: Atheists Won't Be Allowed to Graduate from High School in Arizona if TEApublicans Get Their Way

Atheists Won't Be Allowed to Graduate from High School in Arizona if TEApublicans Get Their Way

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The iPhone That Was Stolen Twice in One Afternoon

The iPhone That Was Stolen Twice in One Afternoon

Shared via News360

Shared from BBC News

Sad and funny and Occam's Razor

Anybody knows how to delete a sent plane? —Swansea, United Kingdom

Anybody knows how to delete a sent plane?
—Swansea, United Kingdom

Tweet by shadechaser

Science cannot be decoupled from observation. Observation cannot be decoupled from consciousness. The tendenc...

Shared via Slices: What's your slice?

My Namaste: 2 days from Canada to The Hague.

Can't think of a better place to land.

Scooby Dooby Doo Opus 2

I used to hate reading in high school now I am reading a new book every two days
—St Rose, LA

Friday, January 25, 2013

on hindsight, I wish the words had came out differently. —Singapore, Singapore

on hindsight, I wish the words had came out differently.
—Singapore, Singapore

Empty train departure sign. The 2nd loneliest thing in the world.

Empty train departure sign. 
The 2nd loneliest thing in the world. 

Namaste around the world

RE: Most self referential tweet ever. #redundant

Hah!  Like it!


-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Most self referential tweet ever. #redundant
From: Jerry Mesner <>
Date: Fri, January 25, 2013 3:24 pm
To: Twittter with Pics <>, Blogger - Pics
and Text <>, Facebook Text and Pics

Most self referential tweet ever. #redundant

Who cover, shivers: Bettye LaVette @ The Kennedy Center Honors - YouTube @thankshoto

@shadechaser: Interesting thought “Matter is merely mind deadened by the development of habit to the point where the breakin...

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.

--Dr. Suess
—San Diego, CA

No time, no stopping

There are Tshirts then there are TSHIRTS

The Coffee Machine, a Microcosm of the World

Barack Obama is awesome. —Cobquecura, Chile

Wolfram|Alpha Word Cloud - Jerry Mesner FaceBook

Concurrency is a lovely thing.

Well alrighty then

Urban chic footwear gone wrong stopped the escalator. #notme,nopics

RusUganda: Russia Set to Make"Homosexual Propaganda" Illegal

All those wasted years practicing:Jam for iPhone: Create Original Songs Regardless of Talent

9 to 6 workday, driving for kids, and homework til 2 am. #parenthood

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

This app is awesome. I have no idea if or how they'll make money, but the idea and implementation is delicicious: Airendipity

Religious belief: Faiths and the faithless | The Economist

Like Consciousness: Even though dark matter is invisible, astrophysicists know it exists. Without this dark matter it is impossible to explain how the visible things in the universe hang together

Link: (sent via Shareaholic)

 Even though dark matter is invisible, astrophysicists know it exists. Without this dark matter it is impossible to explain how the visible things in the universe hang together

Mathematics. Trust me. It's important in your life › Opinion (ABC Science)

Just now.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

What Believers and Atheists Can Teach Each Other - Science and Religion Today “Who is wise? The person who learns from all people” (Avot 4:1)

Leadership: Tony Campolo: Steve Chalke Drops the Bomb in Support of Committed, Faithful, Same-Sex Relationships

You had me at Bowel

John Entwistle hagiography.

Double negatives in two languages. Everything should work out. Or am I really buying a Gluten product?

The soundtrack for shopping at Superstore should be Enter the Sandman #notacoustic

Wisdom's Long Shadow

Cat in the cookie drawer: denied because of my photo aware vigilance

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


And Then Some

Today is officially Cry-day. #verklempt

Be assured, no conflict of interest.ESA Video Game Group To Obama: Entertainment Doesn’t Cause Violent Behavior

Amen: Tolerance is not the same as Christ-like love.

1-800-missing-the-point: NRA Responds To Obama: 'Attacking Firearms' Is Not A Solution | TPM LiveWire

It's more productive to discuss the source of the argument than opposing viewpoints. #epiphany-pending-implemention

Gun Imagery Fills Language of Debate -

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