Sunday, February 26, 2012

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"Causal Flower 24c"

The Instagram Team

Teller Reveals His Secrets | Arts & Culture | Smithsonian Magazine

Link: (via

Magic is an art, as capable of beauty as music, painting or poetry. But the core of every trick is a cold, cognitive experiment in perception: Does the trick fool the audience?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

AIDS Quilt - 25 Years Later - YouTube

Link: (via

Twelve Animals: World maps as Chinese zodiac ~ Pink Tentacle - StumbleUpon

shadechaser shared an Instagram photo with you

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"Credit and Karma"

The Instagram Team

shadechaser shared an Instagram photo with you

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"Sports Circulatory"

The Instagram Team

shadechaser shared an Instagram photo with you

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"Sports Chakra"

The Instagram Team

shadechaser shared an Instagram photo with you

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"Gulliver's Sign 17b"

The Instagram Team

Sunday, February 19, 2012

I'm still naive enough to wonder if the nice smiles coming out of the gym today were because or in spite of the monstrosity hanging from my right nostril. #discoveredintherearviewenroutehome

I'm still naive enough to wonder if the nice smiles coming out of the gym today were because or in spite of the monstrosity hanging from my right nostril. #discoveredintherearviewenroutehome

Pleasant 6 km run inside track. #vff

Different Religions, Spiritualities, and Faith Traditions of the World | Patheos

The ‘biblical view’ that’s younger than the Happy Meal

Top 100 kids books of all time

PopSpots: The exact Spots where famous events of Pop culture took place (with a focus on New York City.)

Saturday, February 18, 2012

SFU women's basketball


shadechaser shared an Instagram photo with you

Hi there,

shadechaser just shared an Instagram photo with you:

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"Metaphor in my face: sports transcend borders to light"

The Instagram Team

VIDEO: A Tornado On The Sun : The Two-Way : NPR

Credit: NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory

Here's something you don't see every day: a tornado on the surface of the sun. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory posted this stunning video, which shows the sun's plasma sliding and spinning around in the star's magnetic fields for 30 hours earlier this month.

Terry Kucera, a solar physicist with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, told Fox News that the tornado might be as large as the Earth itself and have gusts up to 300,000 miles per hour. By comparison, the strongest tornadoes on earth, F5 storms, clock wind speeds at a relatively paltry (though incredibly destructive) 300 mph.

The sun is an extremely active star, regularly spitting radiation and atomic particles into space. This space weather has direct impacts here on Earth, like forcing the rerouting of planes and lighting up the auroras.

Our friends at the 13.7 blog dive into how solar weather works, and if you're looking for some more stellar images of the sun, head over to the Solar Dynamic Observatory's Pick of the Week.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

Bed tracks laid down for another song. #akai #iphone #ears #brain #muse

Wow. Just wow.

Hammock Boat

The Woodcutters Gate - A Meditation on Emptiness

Exhaustion and derision were the unlikely trail guides that took the woodcutter home.

They climaxed and flummoxed the night before,  as a round table of ale-quaffing  friends found the ten ox herding pictures fireside and asked the obvious questions.

What were they?  And once that was understood - why bother?

And for once,  the woodcutter didn't answer directly.

There was no need to agree or disagree with them.  To point out the Buddha's understanding of and prescription for suffering.

There was no hierarchy - that his understanding was better or worse than theirs.

There was just a web he caught out of the corner of his eye,  extending from his cabin's door.

Web,  he realized,  as he stepped out the door and began to fall, was too strong a word.  The problem,  in fact,  was that it was a word,  and gave him nothing to stand on.

The 'e' of the web held his weight for a moment,  then dissolved into him.  He looked down as he fell, at the definition of 'web' - which is all that web was;  an abstraction,  a concept defined by other words,  and landed softly on it: 

More words - "A network of fine threads"

He tried to spread eagle and hold onto any of them - the adjectives,  the nouns, the preposition,  but the moment he did,  more dissolution and falling

Into the next definition and dissolution

and the next

and the next,

Until he just let go.


Words were ghosts,  which co-arose with other words.  Pointers to pointers to pointers to 


And with that, freedom.

Ironically,  he returned to his woodcutting as the Buddha did to the marketplace 2500 years ago,  but in simple,  joyous, vibrant relationship to everything that co-arose with him.

Subject and object?  Two concepts that needed each other for survival.  And if they co-arose,  how could they be said to exist in and of themselves?


Thoughts, perceptions,  sensations,  his trinity diving board that led to contemplation of I am,  simply words and concepts that arose, inextricably linked with everything else.


And finally,  emptiness,  eating its own tale,  sparkling like a gem in Indra's net,  in a galaxy without properties,  before words,  concepts,  images,  or Being.

Ah the mystery of the forgotten bank box. #notcompletelydissapointing

Nonodualism on Qwiki:

Beautiful panorama of the vatican and appropriate background score:

You just don't know what goes into speed passes these days.


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Brilliant balanced read for the left and the right.

Brilliant , balanced read for the left and the right: Studies: Conservatives Are From Mars, Liberals Are From Venus

(via Instapaper)

Jerry covers the Nylons - 25 years old, ripped from casette:

Equality. What a beautfiul word:

(CNN) -- A bipartisan group of lawmakers in Washington State voted Wednesday in favor of a bill that would legalize same-sex marriage, putting Washington on the path toward becoming the seventh state in the nation to legalize marriage for gay and lesbian couples.
//That would

What people talk about before they die – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

We don’t have to use words of theology to talk about God; people who are close to death almost never do. We should learn from those who are dying that the best way to teach our children about God is by loving each other wholly and forgiving each other fully - just as each of us longs to be loved and forgiven by our mothers and fathers, sons and daughters

Stephen Prothero: "As the years go by, thre will be less and less political hay to be made by oposing gay marriage or contraception"

While the culture wars are, to Santorum's delight, with us at least until November, the cultural questions that beset us are likely to shift and shift quickly. Conservative Republicans can read polls as well as liberal Democrats can, and as the years go by, there will be less and less political hay to be made by opposing gay marriage or contraception.

Just kill me now: Listening to Only my Love's bastard Muzak sire while waiting for online bank 'specialist' to answer a 30 second question. #deargod #I'msosorryPaul

American Genius - Paul Simon, American Tune

underappreciated group 17b: The Rescues. They know melody, harmony, phrasing, lyrics and mood:

It's a song 165 million years in the making, played on the world’s smallest violin -

Jurassic cricket's song recreated

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Article: Uganda revives anti-gay bill but drops death penalty

I think odious covers it: Uganda revives anti-gay bill but drops death penalty

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Great workout daughter's basketball women's team with Douglas college

Article: Transcript of a Speech on Sacred Economics and Beyond « Charles Eisenstein

Fascinating: Transcript of a Speech on Sacred Economics and Beyond « Charles Eisenstein

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Yes! Prop 8 rejected.

Hanson, a bucket full o' talent:

A pleasant playlist:!/playlist/Friday+Nite+Pictures/40043557 #Hanson #Rescues #PaulSimon #Eagles

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Change and the Changeless Tree

||:  HE asked if I thought I had a choice in the matter, and I said yes.

Which led me to here.

And here is fine,  except that there are decision trees sprouting around me like virile rabbits,  each vying for watering, weeding,  and climbing.

The days where I choose to climb are actually quite fun, and HE is disappointed to hear that.

Lost in the world, lost in thought,  lost in thoughts of the world.  That's what the decision trees are deconstructed to - an ego-gelling gauze between me and IT that prevent me from simply not seeing the whole picture.

At first,  I argue with HIM,  and HE settles back with self satisfied smile - 'You see?  You argue about what is not real to begin with. Duality on duality.  Duality squared.  What does that get you?  Well on your way to 10,000 things.  And the number of lifetimes it will take to find your way back is staggering.'

And yet - they are so beautiful.  One leaf out of the Ground of Being - then another,  then a stalk,  then branches,  then an entire tree,  all from that apparent first single split from what Is.
//Last week,  I climbed the Change Tree:

Could Jesus or the Buddha have been a conservative?  (leaf)
What can a conservative be boiled down to - somebody who doesn't like change (leaf)
Buddha saw that everything WAS change (stalk starting)
Jesus railed against the status quo - he WAS change (stalk growing)
Conclusion - no they couldn't be conservative,  anymore than water could not be wet. (branches growing)
Counter arguments (more branches).

//And,  verily did the Change Tree drop  acorns which formed into the Changeless Tree:

But Jesus and Buddha could not be progressives either (leaf)
They had qualities of progressives,  but labelling them as such pigeon-holed their true essence - that which is without borders (and reaching the top of that tree,  the branches bent over and started dissolving back into the ground).

//which brought me back to seeing that on close examination,  the trees were not separate from the Ground of Being any more than what is aware of these words is separate from the words themselves.

When I got back to the ground,  as always,  I saw the living truth:

The trees were not a deviation from reality,  they were a manifestation of reality.

They sprang from and returned to the ground of being.

Kind of like...

....HE that questioned,  challenged, and derided me for my enjoyment of This.

And with my recognition of HIM,  we embraced and feel into a deep sleep.

When I awoke,  HE asked me if I thought I had a choice in the matter.  :|| x (infinite number of lifetimes needed for realization, minus 1).


For those not musically inclined,  the ||:  xxxx :|| is a repeat sign.  Everything between the bars is repeated a specified number of times. In this case,  the number of lifetimes it will take me to realize the truth  which is infinite minus 1).

Iceland Is So Inbred It Needs a Website to Avoid Incest:

Pound for Pound, one of the greatest bluesmen, period. #SRV

Killer Gospel: Chicago Mass Choir

I think my bucket list should have one item: not needing a bucket list. -me, right now

Saturday, February 4, 2012

New old original music from the backlog. 20 years old, ripped from casette

Article: Andrew Sullivan: How Obama's Long Game Will Outsmart His Critics - The Daily Beast

Andrew Sullivan: How Obama's Long Game Will Outsmart His Critics - The Daily Beast

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Article: Greece faces 'deadline to clinch bailout'

Greece faces 'deadline to clinch bailout'

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YouTube exec: We're heading for 'third wave' of TV – What's Next - Blogs


subliminal - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News

Link: (via

numero uno


test md
test 4040
test 3820

Friday, February 3, 2012

Article: Picture of the Day: A Prayer for the Dead

Article: The Ultimate Guide to Parahawking in Nepal

The Ultimate Guide to Parahawking in Nepal

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Jerry's visual depiction of heavan: Lord, how I want to be in that number | MetaFilter

lord, how I want to be in that number
February 3, 2012 7:34 AM   Subscribe

Out for a walk in the snow with 34 Saint Bernards. Or if that's not enough slobbery puppy for you: 42 more.
posted by fight or flight (20 comments total) 10 users marked this as a favorite

Ontario Rubber Recycling Divert your rubber tires from landfilling. Recycle them for free!
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/me imagines a wonderful coatvest
posted by DU at 7:36 AM on February 3

Wow -- you might want to take the headphones off for that video, or turn your speakers down if you are at work as that just a LOT of heavy breathing.

Perhaps someone could provide one of those Benny Hill remixes to cover that up.
posted by This_Will_Be_Good at 7:43 AM on February 3

This makes me want to get caught in a snowstorm so I can take shelter and warmth at the bottom of a puppy pile.
posted by entropone at 7:46 AM on February 3 [1 favorite]

There is a disappointing scarcity of tiny collar-mounted brandy barrels in that first video.
posted by Jonathan Harford at 7:54 AM on February 3 [3 favorites]

Oh man this is so well timed for me. I was just approved by the Illinois Saint Bernard Rescue organization.

I decided to go the rescue route because of this AskMe. Man, I wonder if the dog's name should be related to MetaFilter somehow.
posted by MustardTent at 7:55 AM on February 3 [2 favorites]

Hypnotic and mesmerizing. I want to be the kid in the video. Although if I were that kid, I'd be trying to ride one of these great beasts.
posted by jeffmshaw at 7:58 AM on February 3 [1 favorite]

I liked how, in each of the vids, the little girl is just there. Every so often, one of the dogs goes over, says hi, then goes off in a different direction.
posted by ZeusHumms at 7:59 AM on February 3

I'm a horrible person, I know, but I was snoping around last night, so don't click if you're all up & peppy and shit.
posted by ouke at 7:59 AM on February 3

I didn't think there was such a thing as too much dog, but now I see there are limits...
posted by jon1270 at 8:09 AM on February 3

They have a puppy available. His name is Rough Boy. There is video.
posted by jeffmshaw at 8:11 AM on February 3

Why does someone have ~40 St. Bernards? Hopefully not for the purpose described in ouke's link.
posted by schwa at 8:13 AM on February 3

posted by daHIFI at 9:23 AM on February 3

@schwa--I have not clicked ouke's link but I hope this is the reason
posted by rmhsinc at 9:25 AM on February 3

Good boy!!! x 34
posted by malocchio at 9:29 AM on February 3

I'm a horrible person, I know, but I was snoping around last night, so don't click if you're all up & peppy and shit.
posted by ouke at 7:59 AM on February 3 [+] [!]

I don't know if it sounds terribly worse than our meat industry in North America, once you scrape off the usual ickiness about cultural intolerance/racism toward China.

...but I'm going to go back to thinking about big sloppy puppies and happy things now.
posted by Stagger Lee at 9:30 AM on February 3

MustardTent, that's awesome that you went through with a rescue! I read that thread just after I got my rescue Annie and so wanted to echo the people there who say rescues can be amazing.

This island is just an hour or so away from me and I kind of want to go to it and walk my dogs in the woods and see if I can just come across a sea of Saints in the forest.
posted by kanata at 9:53 AM on February 3

What happens when they find a squirrel?
posted by ZeusHumms at 11:02 AM on February 3

Ah, this was nice.
posted by BlackLeotardFront at 11:26 AM on February 3

I liked the video, but I found it much less cute once I turned on the sound. :P
posted by xtine at 11:29 AM on February 3

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