Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mediocrity watch, update 4321: even after all those music years, i still have an uncanny ability to sing flat. #3partharmonyforareason
If you didn't need a reason to dump Perry, you're welcome: Sheriff Joe Arpaio backs Perry
Fall of Rome averted: NBA teams to open facilities to players Thursday -

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Dude at timmys lunch hour lineup asking the cashier if a donut has additives. #redundantquestion100234
"Melody is the soul of music." - Schopenhauer
It's interesting try to lay bed tracks down on a moving train with people squishing by you. #extrasongsauce

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Stupid Beautiful: Javier Colon - Time After Time (Cover) - YouTube
Ramana used to say, "I would follow a devotee into hell if need be." via Pamela wilson
8 pm large Americano, hold the hot water. Also, yay Lions. That is all.
Watching a game after it's over on pvr is like watching the Time Square ball fall on ny eve 'real time' at 12 am pst. #idontgetit
Off to see the kidlings perform in their theatre group's annual musical soiree.
"A new book is published every 30 seconds, and you would need 163 lifetimes to get through all the titles offered on Amazon." -Amazon

Saturday, November 26, 2011

At some points in the the great dance, stories matter: Man Uses His Schizophrenia to Gather Clues for Daily Living -
Salvador Dali. Yep.
Picasso: Moment of creation by a genius caught on film
Oh thank God. Now I can hit the sack: Tentative NBA deal reached; season expected to start on Christmas -

Friday, November 25, 2011

12 bars too long and some pitch problems, but another song done. Will post it later tonite. Needs sully-prod.
Steely Dan - Black Friday Live
It's time. - YouTube
The one that is looked for stands revealed as the one who is looking. -rupert Spira

Thursday, November 24, 2011

I just cut an .xls from one monitor's email to another's.How is this possible without a wireless connection?#foreveverfascinated#proofofgod
Alice's Restaurant Illustrated (Part 1) - YouTube
aaron hobson || c i n e m a s c a p e s
Lifting Storm Great Smoky Mountains National Park | Flickr - Photo Sharing!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

This is cool: ifttt / Put the internet to work for you.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sad: 2 runners die during Philadelphia Marathon -

The Key to Graduation is, Apparently, Giving Up

Growing up, I was internal
Hoping, dreaming for the day that others would see me as special
Pain constricted the exterior
But strengthened the interior

The Muse introduced herself early
I wrote and sung and played and imagined
And hoped

And imagined hope

Reaching for The One who would
Accept the exterior
But See the interior
Believe the interior
Share lives in the interior

This many years on
Pattern recognition has improved
I'm still There

Reaching with imagined hope towards
Blinking lights
Which sate and bate in figure eights

I have the toughest teacher in the world
Giving me daily lesson plans

The challenge - can I live from Here without going There.

I'll keep trying
Or simply give up trying
And probably, if the intention in surrender is pure
Be graced by release

And Graduate.

The Green Avenger wears frost well #minus6

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Accomodate with compassion. #seehowthatworks

Things that really, truly, could never suck. Evidence display 17b: trees in sunlight

5 hour wait to get snow tires put on. Spent the time songwriting, caffeining and napping.

And in the what the hell dept...

Like saying 'everything a few calories...or more'
Contrarian alert: I confess those unmanned speed limit indicators as well as speed bumps simply goad me into setting new speed records.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Occupy Ellington.
Occupy Ellington.
Dinner and Duke Ellington with the Steads
20 years later, I can still write music. Thanks to: #themuse #garageband
This won the 'time to get out of bed' argument: "please just let me have my dream".

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Falling asleep on the floor. Dog on one side, fire on the other.
Watching my daughter perform in the elementary district honour choir. #proudpapa
Lamb sounds. Make me laugh. That is all.
Goat Sounds. That is all.
Another perfectly executed Seinfeld desk 20 min break.

Alphabet Soup

Upward drizzle from the train to the platform to the escalator to the causeway.

The Muse or one of her cellmates has obviously set up shop here:  a causal bunker,  well protected. She's torching passer-bys with creative fire.

Most of the commuters' suits are unreasonably fire-proof,  but not mine.  I'm burned to ashes and am rising again before I even know what's hit me.  Under my left arm,  The Book.  In my right hand,  a set of golden tongs.  Over my eyes:  nothing.  Everything is shining and new and waiting to be discovered.  Undulating fields of love as I see what everybody else has become,  and what I can do about it.

They're all letters:

Commuters come personalities come images come words come letters.

There's a pattern here,  but it's in the fact that there IS no pattern

The lawyers,  accountants,  programmers,  construction workers,  Baristas,  hangers-on,  applicants,  daycare drop-outs, businesswomen, bankers,  analysts and traders...

...all reduced to a single letter each.  Nothing to do with their profession;  many aren't even english:  Hebrew,  Sanskrit, Greek, Aramaic, French, Spanish, Slang, Graffiti...

my personal Tower of Babel Buffet.

There are no seconds here,  however -  all firsts;   even the same letters shine differently as I pluck them with my trusted tongs and put them into the book.

It's mechanical at first,  I pick and choose who should go in,  then relax into an almost random sweep,  then a  fully fluid pick and grab.

The book flips pages as it fills,  and even seems to be indexing itself.

The Muse is waiting at the exit,  cigarette in hand and absurd pocket watch dangling from her waist jacket pocket.

"You like?"   she seems to ask as she takes the book  opens it *exactly* in the middle,  and watches as a visual cacophony unfolds itself - up into thunderheads,  then splitting and folding and splitting and folding in on itself, then spraying everyone in sight with chains of God,  anchored in the The Book.

With that,  she says a word,  the crowd moves as one,  and she skis through the lobby,  out the door,  and through the downtown streets:

Creativity, pulled by God,  through the noosphere and further.

God bless the Muse, and her Alphabet Soup.


I quite like the fact that I can mix original songs on my iPhone while I wait for the train. That is all.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How to Build a Computer Model of God | Bootstrapping Independence

Yes, there's a lot more to be said, but he does tackle at least one ontological issue nicely.


Monday, November 14, 2011

At the library getting my daughter to take pictures of my head in a hole of the reference book stack.

Terrible Beauty and Meat Paper Chains

If you were able to step down the crumbling steps
You would see the field
MY field

Not a healing, regenerative process
But the attempt to integrate:

the countless shredded hearts
that follow me day after day like a meat paper chain

:into ME

As always, the question in the metaphors
Hold the answer

There IS no ME or MY

Just This, in all its terrible beauty.

Still, understanding does not mean
Blind capitulation to the hurt.

It means accepting your words that I should be more of an asshole
Without becoming one.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Re-reading Wilber's A Theory of Everything over coffee in High River as the family sleeps in the darkened womb upstairs. #uplate #upearly

Friday, November 11, 2011

Congrats to the freshly minted Ogilvies!
Dark prairie country. Driving to darker prairie country. Followed by a community hall and a wedding. Minus 765 degrees. That is all.
Herding cats
Tim hortons calgary. Feeling emasculated and emotionally naked without a ten gallon hat and a gun rack.
Mmmm. Home made chemi-waffles

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Did you know you cannot rent from Budget at the airport unless you have an airline ticket? Bizarre rationale to be posted later.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Just now, in the elevator to 31, I had a fedora trust issue. That is all.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

2nd daughter and dad dinner out. #whitespot
The nxt time you call Budget, keep pressing 0 when robotic-asst keeps offering to help and receive assistance 2 seconds quicker.#yourwelcome

I am a classy shopper. That is all.

Metta meta Metta

Metta meta Metta.

I stopped at my Muse's tree yesterday,  and spent a considerable amount of time walking in and around the root system.  I'm quite certain it was never intended to be used as a labyrinth, or even labelled Her tree - but the nexus of realities I've been threading myself through have their own set of rules,  and top of list is that they don't give a tinker's damn about how thing's should be.

If they did,  would there be shining galaxies waiting to be plucked as ripe fruit from the branches?  Or light shining from the soil? Or a candied wind that wraps itself around me like a shawl and dances me to new absurdities I missed the first time round?

The last find,  as always,  was the Most interesting:  A living parchment between the second and third branches;  aspen papyrus with three words:  Metta meta Metta.

It was invasive to peel the parchment from the tree, and somehow,  it was redundant to take it anyways.

Sometimes the Muse's embrace is full and sensual; sometimes a  gift basket dropped off in a somnolescent moment during a commute home. And then other times like today,   it's simply a pointer to something that's already been branded in my heart or mind,  needing some attention.

Such was this,  a reminder of my narrative,  for today anyways: Metta meta Metta.

In spite of my brokenness and rusted parts -memory of a goldfish, self confidence up and down like a toilet seat - purpose continually re-imagined, scrubbed,  re-imagined again -  maybe because of them - I am compelled to glory in the grand design, the One-in-All,  the Theory of Everything. And today that is summed up in those three words.

Metta - loving kindness;  compassion,  the sire of grace and intenion:


Meta - the story of stories,  the Platonic forms felt if not understood - the arch that connects it all. 
The place where details are abstracted  to a place where memory is not a problem - they *are* the very nature of remembering.

sandwhiched by

Metta - loving kindness; compassion, the sire of grace and intention

When my endless curiosity is lit up by Knowledge then dulled by my limitations, it's important to know what it is to Know:

And for me,  tonite anyways,  it's Metta meta Metta.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Finished writing a short something that felt authentic just now. Marinating it overnite.
Jesus, can you imagine? : Perry needs Palin (and vice versa) -
Sound Composition: amda
"The whole course of human development can be viewed as a continuing decline in egocentrism". -Howard Gardner
Louis vs. Rick » Louis vs. Rick : Episode 8 : Grace
Bach is easy. If she brings him up, you just smile and you say: “Ahh, Bach.” | MetaFilter
Easter Egg: Google Flips for “Do a Barrel Roll” | Webmonkey |

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Muse is Dead, Long Live the Muse | feed the noosphere
A pleasant and productive 9.5 hr day.
A pleasant and productive 9.5 hr day.

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